This guy at work goes to me today, "Hey, did you get a fat pill?"
I am thinking to myself DID I put on a few pounds...but still how totally rude.
My colleague must've seen me looking at him with some disbelief and irritation that he would say something like that to me.
Then he gets this look on his face like, oh sh*t {oops that wasn't what I meant!}
Immediately, he reaches down to the counter in one of our common areas and picks up a Dunkin' Donut from the box that someone had brought in for Friday munchies.
He's holding up the donut to his face mouthing, "A fat pill," as he takes a big bite engulfing half the donut (or more) in that one mouth shot.
Well, I never heard of a Donkin' Donut called a fat pill before...
Probably lucky for someone that is what he was referring to (LOL). ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)