Mindfulness, centered, focused, clarity, connected.
Also, some nice relaxing meditation music here:
(Credit Photo: Youtube)
Mindfulness, centered, focused, clarity, connected.
Also, some nice relaxing meditation music here:
(Credit Photo: Youtube)
Deep In Meditation
Take it stroke by stroke.
Don't worry about getting all the way from point A to Z.
Instead just focus on getting from point A to point A+.
Just take the first stroke and then another and another.
Like one foot in front of the other.
See how far you've come!
You're on the way to point Z but you don't have to drink the ocean in one gulp to get there. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
From Point A To Point A+
I tried something new in the pool to tread water using the minimum energy.
At first, my body resisted and I started to flail with my arms and legs.
But then, I centered my mind and started to control my breathing.
My deep focused breaths raised my body above the water almost by itself.
My arms and legs relaxed and just was there for support.
It felt so good to be in a better state of self-control and mindfulness.
Always need to try and keep the mind still, centered, and in control of the body.
Focus, focus, focus! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Staying Centered
To listen, you've got to shut your mouth and be quiet.
"Listen" and "Silent" have the exact same letters.
Now will you be silent and listen to other people? ;-)
(Credit Graphic: Andy Blumenthal)
The Sound of Silence
Courage is endurance for one moment more.
You Can Overcome It!
Goals Vs. Tactics
Jerusalem Center of The World
"No one [else] cares about how you feel."
'I want' and 'I don't want' aren't reasons, they can only be defined as self-indulgence.
No One Cares How You Feel
Start With Yes
Don't make me get through no to get to yes.
Keep a smile on your face and your focus on the customer; everything else takes care of itself.
The customer is in the water. They want the yacht. But I can give them a boat. It gets them to where they want to go, and they no longer need to swim. We can work our way up to a yacht.
Say YES!
Parking Lot Full of Ideas
Calling An ELMO
"The dream is free, but the hustle is sold separately."
Dreams + Hard Work + Blessing From G-d
What's Free And What's Not
The Yom Kippur Diet Plan
What's With The Water
"This is clearer than REAL life!"
VICE News Superior
Can You Do No Right?
Getting Zinged
Hey, Pay Attention
Counter Terrorism Response Level: DYSFUNCTIONAL
Synagogue Time