September 10, 2024
December 1, 2022
Light Pole @Capitol
Nice lights in Washington, D.C.That's some serious intricate handiwork. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Light Pole @Capitol
January 7, 2021
Prescription Coffee, A Washington Necessity
A regular coffee just won't do it, especially with what's going on in Washington, D.C. after the most recent chaotic events of yesterday.
Thus, this prescription coffee is a great idea to wake the masses out of their disbelieving stupor of what's going down in this insane town.
Of course, the supposed Russian way of dealing with their opponents is said to involve perhaps more of a poison approach to handle affairs (reference Navalny), which is way scary!
And with talk of invoking the 25th Amendment to remove the President from office or of impeachment (again) less than 2 weeks from the inauguration, I'll definitely take me some prescription coffee by the barrel. ;-)
(Source Photo: Minna)
Prescription Coffee, A Washington Necessity
January 6, 2021
Breaching The Capitol
Like so many I am outraged that the Capitol got trashed today.
There are really no words to describe the depressing and sickening feeling seeing what happened with the rampaging mobs.
Moreover, one lady actually was killed over this!
Aside from the lawlessness, disrespect, and abandon of our great democracy, it was shocking that the security forces let it all unfold.
Doors barricaded and guns drawn, yet the mobs freely storming the building, hanging from the rafters in the chambers and making a farce at the podium.
Moreover, the offices of the legislators breached with computers unlocked and emails on the screen!
If ever we were afraid of what the Russians or Chinese could do to us, do you think any of their agents could possibly have found their way to blend into the rampaging crowd and chaos today and then do literally whatever they wanted anywhere in legislative branch of our government?
They wouldn't have had to be James Bond or hid in a SolarWinds application update to do us severe damage.
It seems like we just keep giving away the keys to the kingdom until eventually there is no kingdom of democracy anymore! ;-)
Breaching The Capitol
May 6, 2019
America, Who Are Our Real Friends?
This is what Israel, a longtime and proven true friend and ally of the United States does:
Iranian Plot on U.S. Possibly Thwarted Due To Israeli Intelligence.
These are perhaps the types of things that non-friends of the United States do:
- Attacks pro-Israel congressional representatives as having "dual loyalty."
- Blame the U.S. for the crisis in Venezuela and back Socialist dictator Maduro.
- Falsely blame the U.S. for killing thousands in Somalia.
- Crassly describe the 9/11 terrorist attack on the U.S. as "someone did something."
- Mock the U.S. for fearing terrorists, Al Qaeda.
- Defend hundreds of indiscriminate terror missile attacks on Israeli civilians by Hamas.
- Urge the release of jailed terrorist leader of the Muslim Brotherhood.
- Condemned by the House of Representatives for anti-Semitism.
- Attacks credibility of U.S. for criticizing Iranian human rights abuses.
(Source Photo 1: Jerusalem Post / Photo 2: Facebook)
America, Who Are Our Real Friends?
March 9, 2019
A Disgrace On The Democrats
They have become the new hate-mongering party!
Progressives no way.
Their bigotry, racism, and hatred are taking us backwards.
Their members' attack friends, allies, and patriots of this country.
And these bigots are worshipped and placed on the cover of Time Magazine.
To the 3,000 that were killed on 9/11, it is a disgrace.
To this great nation, it is bringing us down from being a light unto nations to ushering in darkness and prejudice.
Shame on Pelosi and Schumer and the other democrats who are allowing extremism and hate to dominate their agenda.
First they hated on Trump
(Ilahn Omar even hated on Obama!)
Then they hated on Israel and the Jews.
Who are they coming for next America?
(Source Graphic: Adapted from Time Magazine By Andy Blumenthal)
A Disgrace On The Democrats
February 11, 2019
The New Faces Of Hate
"It's all about the Benjamins baby".
Representative Rashida Tlaib said about congressional representatives supporting Israel in a bill that would punish companies that participate in Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) to further Israel's destruction.
"They forget what country they represent."
"This is a massacre. I hope my peers have the moral courage to call it such. No state is absolved of the mass shooting of protesters."
"Silence" around the Palestinian cause "has been a little interesting to me."
Perhaps, the most concerning thing is where is the Democratic Party leadership in calling out these anti-Semitic hate-mongers in their ranks?
The New Faces Of Hate
January 21, 2018
1-2-3-4 Open Up The Government's Doors
5-6-7-8 Let our nation operate
1-2-3-4 Open up the government's doors
5-6-7-8 Fix our broken directorate
1-2-3-4 Open up the government's Doors
5-6-7-8 Better for us to negotiate
1-2-3-4 Open up the government's doors
5-6-7-8 Get things done for Goodness sake
1-2-3-4 Open up the government's doors
5-6-7-8 We have no more time to cogitate
1-2-3-4 Open up the government's doors
5-6-7-8 Get the employees back to progress the state
1-2-3-4 Open up the government's doors
5-6-7-8 Blaming each other only exasperate
1-2-3-4 Open up the government's doors
5-6-7-8 Democracy means we must work it out
1-2-3-4 Open up the government's doors
5-6-7-8 Polarized politics destroys our clout
1-2-3-4 Open up the government's doors
5-6-7-8 The people are sick and tired of this useless way
1-2-3-4 Open up the government's doors
5-6-7-8 Terms limits are needed to sway
1-2-3-4 Open up the government's doors
5-6-7-8 Dysfunctional government can't continue unabate
1-2-3-4 Open up the government's doors
5-6-7-8 We're sick and tired of ignoring realpolitik
1-2-3-4 Open up the government's doors
5-6-7-8 Grow up and show some unifying leadership
1-2-3-4 Open up the government's doors
5-6-7-8 Finally put people's needs first
1-2-3-4 Open up the government's doors
5-6-7-8 Stop playing with our country's fate
1-2-3-4 Open up the government's doors
5-6-7-8 National security and our economy depend on it
1-2-3-4 Open up the government's doors
5-6-7-8 It's time to get things done and not wait
1-2-3-4 Open up the government's doors
5-6-7-8 Serve the people and cut out the hate
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
1-2-3-4 Open Up The Government's Doors
November 29, 2017
Dysfunction Society
North Korea has achieved ICBM capability with a missile launch yesterday to 2,800 miles altitude—11 times higher than the International Space Station—giving Axis of Evil, North Korea the ability to now hit Washington, D.C.!
At the same time, a career civil servant tries to pull a fast one on the Trump Administration—challenging the President’s right to appoint an Acting Director over the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, which is part of the Executive Branch of government—and hoping that the Senate then won’t confirm Trump’s new appointee for Director, all of which would leave her in charge of CFPB for the next 3 years! Of course, the courts don’t see it her way, but as the Wall Street Journal noted her coup attempt is definitely something to take note of in democratic, America.
In the background, the Democrats and Republicans continue to beat each other silly and senseless, and not only with stalled legislation on almost every front from Healthcare to Immigration, but now minority leaders Schumer and Pelosi are even refusing to meet with the President over enacting a government budget leading us to another looming government shutdown in December…we can’t seem to keep the government functional or even running for the most powerful nation on Earth.
Finally, Bitcoin—an artificial computer-generated currency, advanced 1,000-fold this year to hit $10,000! Talking about another financial bubble reminiscent of the manic investment in tulips in the 17th century. What’s the value of Bitcoin or sunflowers? Whatever you want it to be! It’s not about the technology, which may be great, but rather the phony valuing of cryptocurrency, which few understand, and we all know how these bubbles end.
So overall, we have national security, the administration of our government, and economic stability all in grossly abnormal territory.
When things get this crazy, eventually you can be sure that something will first start to crack and then potentialy really break, and when it does, will we see more Negan with his brain-bashing baseball bat, Lucille? ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Dysfunction Society
October 15, 2017
World Of Amazing Times and People
Took this video at the World of Montgomery Festival today.
The dancers, singers, drummers, and costumes were all great.
The weather today an unseasonably warm 76 degrees and being out and about was fun.
Plus it was an extra special treat to meet up with my pal Congressman Jamie Raskin.
Thank you G-d for all the amazing times and good people.
(Source Video and Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
World Of Amazing Times and People
July 27, 2016
Congressman Hank Johnson Infested With Hatred
Unfortunately, this is why Congress does not get the respect it deserves.
Anti-Semites like Congressman Hank Johnson (Democrat-Georgia) are not only hateful and discriminatory, calling Israelis and Jews "termites."
But Congressman Johnson actually questions whether Guam, an Island of 209 square miles (and U.S. territory in the Pacific with a strategic U.S. Naval Base), is going to "tip over and capsize" in the Ocean.
It seems like Johnson has a huge issue with termites in terms of both calling people disgusting and derogatory names and thinking an entire Island--almost twice the size of the city of Atlanta--is going to capsize, as if from a big problem of termites.
This just demonstrates how being hateful and dumb truly go together!
What a disgrace on our esteemed Congress of this great country of the United States of America.
No wonder the big problems of this country are not getting appropriately addressed and solved, there are too many people on the Hill infested with horrible hate in their hearts and minds. ;-)
Congressman Hank Johnson Infested With Hatred
March 3, 2015
Purim All Over Again
Purim All Over Again
January 21, 2015
Breaking Protocol?
And how?
By accepting an invitation from the Congress of the United States of America to speak the truth about the dangers of a nuclear armed Iran, who is a designated State Sponsor of Terrorism.
Still trying to figure out under what protocol:
- Netanyahu was ushered into the White House through the back door.
- Netanyahu was snubbed for dinner while visiting at the White House.
- The Defense Minister of Israel was denied an audience at the White House.
- Ammunition was withheld from Israel, while under fire, during the Gaza War with Hamas, a designated terrorist organization.
- Sanctions are considered against Israel for building homes in Jerusalem the Capital of Israel, while sanctions are lifted against Iran as they build nuclear weapons to annihilate Israel and threaten America, "The Great Satan."
- Senior Administration official calls Netanyahu a Chickenshit.
Finally, and most upsettingly, the President travels all over the World and Middle East, but doesn't visit The Holy Land.
I don't get it, do you?
(Source Photo: here with attribution to gregpoo)
Breaking Protocol?
October 29, 2014
From Hymietown To Chickenshit
In 1984, Rev. Jesse Jackson (later the democratic Presidential candidate) referred to the Jewish people and New York as Hymietown.
Roll forward to 2014, and we have "senior administration officials" who have called Israel's heroic Prime Minister Netanyahu a "Chickensh*t."
In 1624, Rembrandt painted this beautiful work from the Bible of Balaam riding on the way to curse the Israelites.
The problem for him was that an Angel of G-d stood in his path--his donkey saw it, but not Balaam! (Numbers 22:21-39)
In Genesis 12:3, God says to Abraham: "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse."
Of course, the Israelites have to be deserving of this and act according to G-d's word and by a strict moral code.
For those who act shamefully, with arrogance before G-d, and unapologetically, and use their political platform to name-call, curse, and degrade Israel, no man ultimately needs to answer this, G-d provides the answer himself.
Kudos to House Speaker John Boehner for speaking up against this grotesque, "disrespectful rhetoric" unbecoming the leadership of the United States of America.
Congress should take up a vote unanimously condemning these disgusting, derogatory, Anti-semitic remarks--for those who bless Israel shall be blessed! ;-)
(Source Photo here via Wikipedia)
From Hymietown To Chickenshit
February 2, 2014
If I Forget Thee O Jerusalem
You can barely see it, right?
It is surrounded by 22 Arab countries.
Israel is 1/16 of 1% of the surrounding Arab countries.
After the Holocaust, where 6 million Jews were murdered (1 of every 3 Jews in the entire world), Israel has been attacked again and again by invading Arab countries calling for their utter annihilation.
By the grace of G-d, the determination of the Israel Defense Forces, and help from righteous countries like the United States, Israel has been able to survive.
But now, Israel is under a new threat--coming from the the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement.
The new tactic of Israel's enemies is that if they cannot defeat Israel easily on the battlefield, then they will try to conquer them by a campaign of eroding economic and political pressure and sanctions on Israel.
For millennia, Israel and the Jewish people have been the minority and have repeatedly faced destruction, murder, expulsion, inquisition, crusades, forcible conversion, Holocaust, and more.
The BDS movement is another attempt to conquer this tiny country and add it to the trove of the surrounding Arab nations and "throw the Jews into the sea."
Thankfully, America and other friends and allies see that Israel seeks to live in peace and security, and not the oppression of anyone.
Hopefully, Congress, in their wisdom, will propose and enact appropriate legislation to stop the destructive action of the BDS movement, and will call for and mandate the boycott, divestment, and sanctions of any country or entity that does this to Israel.
As it says in Psalms 137:5 -6--"If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its skills! Let my tongue stick to the roof of my mouth, if I do not remember you, if I do not set Jerusalem above my highest joy!"
(Source Photo: here with attribution to
If I Forget Thee O Jerusalem
January 18, 2014
What Would MLK Say?
The price tag of this tower is $350M!
But not to worry because NASA caught in this muddle says they will maintain the tower in case it's needed in the future at a cost of just $840,000 more a year.
Why does this happen?
Pork barrel politics, where the the Congressmen and -women (in this case of Mississippi) don't want to lose out on the federal spending, so they make deals whereby they get what they want and others what they want for their home states--even if the taxpayers end up getting little to nothing.
Peggy Noonan writes in the Wall Street Journal that while public servants are "expected to be less selfish than the average Joe...they are [actually] the locus of selfishness."
She writes, "there isn't a staffer on the Hill who won't tell you 90% of members are driven by their own needs, wants, and interests, not America's."
Essentially what Noonan describes is a broken political system, where we elect individuals as politicians to represent us, but they take our vote of confidence and their elected office platform and instead use it to vote either for what they think should be done--not what their constituents think or want--or they work the system in order to make themselves look good and line up votes for their next run at office.
Either way, we don't get representation of the people, for the people, with big picture strategic decisions for the future of the nation, but rather we get narrow thinking and voting driven by self-centered thinking of what's in it for me (WIIFM).
Freedom is not free, especially when we make bad decisions to fund testing towers that are no longer needed or bridges to nowhere.
How we fix this is by having politicians with a genuine vision of where we need to go, anchored in the thinking of the people they represent and a foundation of integrity.
The leader can create a shared vision by explaining why, what, and how and building a genuine consensus around it.
Selfishness is not an inherent trait of politics--it can be replaced by selflessness when the greater good of the nation is placed above any one "I"--whether that be a person, party, state, or special interest.
(Source Photo: here)
What Would MLK Say?
May 29, 2012
Dancing On A Building
They are called Project Bandaloop.
They are dancing horizontally.
Off the side of a tall building.
The Old Post Office Tower in Washington D.C.
This building houses the bells that used to ring in Congress.
Very cool attraction, especially with the dancers!
(Source Photo: My wife, Dannielle Blumenthal)
Dancing On A Building
December 2, 2011
Who Will Protect Those Who Protect Us?
Who Will Protect Those Who Protect Us?