Very cool solution to flash flooding called Topmix Permeable by Tarmac (a U.K. sustainable building materials company).
The concrete literally drinks up hundreds of gallons of water.
Where the heck does all the water go?
If you're walking, no more soggy shoes and pant's bottoms.
If your driving, even more important is the potential life-saving element for about 75 people that die in vehicles every year when they try get caught in the vehicles in flash flood conditions.
Also, many potential accidents, injuries, and deaths could be averted by people whose car's go hydroplaning on wet road surfaces.
Finally, think how transportation would be faster and more efficient (with less traffic) from better road conditions with innovations like this.
With this new material on our roads and some added heat elements to prevent snow and ice, we got some darn good road-safety going on. ;-)