Some lady--assume she's a cosmetologist in training--working on this mannequin head on the Metro.
She's got her luggage bag spread out open on the floor of the bus, a drink bottle laying on the seat next to her, and a mannequin head between her knees.
And the lady is slowly, carefully applying eye liner as if she's sitting in some luxury day spa or something.
While I admire her work and the practice, the image was just a little surreal on the bus to work.
Letting imagination go wild...if she held up the head by the pony tail with blood and guts dripping out and brandishing a large butcher knife, then I can see this scene going to a whole new level of scary-crazy.
Uh, that's a different movie... ;-)
But that's what city life, commuting, and to a great extent work is all about--the next personality you come across and all that they are cracked up to be.
(Source Photo: Michelle Blumenthal)