We went apple picking today and it was a nice time, thank G-d.
The weather was beautiful and the apples were plentiful and delicious.
One funny thing that I noticed was this sign with instructions for how to pick apples.
Like we need instructions for one of the most natural things in the world.
Even in the Bible, in the Garden of Eden, the first man and woman figured this one out.
Perhaps, with all of our technology we now possess, there is a feeling or realization that we have lost touch with our more primitive instincts.
Often, I wonder if a major calamity were to actually strike, how many of us, especially in the big cities would know the basic skills to survive.
Heck, we can't even leave the house without our smartphones--we'd feel naked--like Adam and Eve after eating from the Tree of Knowledge.
Technology has made us more capable, but it has left us lacking knowledge on how to grow things, build things, fish and hunt, and much more, leaving us in many ways more vulnerable.
How can we live in an information age, and yet be stupider for it?
As I learned in college, you can have wonderful book knowledge, but have little to no practical knowledge.
I would say we need to do a much better job balancing the teaching of theory and practice...so we won't need signs that have to tell us how to pick an apple anymore. ;-)
(Source Photos: Andy Blumenthal)

Instructions For the Modern Age