Showing posts with label KKK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KKK. Show all posts

February 6, 2019

State Of Our Politicians

Last night was the State of the Union...

But this morning, I still can't help thinking about the State of our Politicians. 

The picture from Virginia governor, Ralph Northam medical school yearbook is outrageous, and yet he refuses to step down.

This didn't happen when he was kid, but as a responsible adult. 

And even for those of us who believe in personnel change and forgiveness, there has to be accountability for something this callous, hurtful, bigoted and offensive. 

What happened to our politicians being true patriots, looking out for our good and the best interests of our nation?

One lady said to a group of us last evening:
I know who I am going to vote for in the next elections, and it's NO ONE currently in political office!

To which another gentleman replied:
It doesn't matter who you vote for, a politician always wins.

Somehow, I still have faith that there are people who can rise to the occasion and be the leaders that they must be. ;-)

August 17, 2017

Condemning Evil Is Not Optional

Both are reprehensible!

When you don't condemn evil and wrong-doing, there is no room for reform and progress.

Good must win over evil and righteousness will reign over the Earth. 

(Source Graphic: Andy Blumenthal)


August 13, 2017

Derangement Of Conscience

Watching the Neo-Nazis and white supremacists march in Charlottesville, VA yesterday made me sick.

They represent the worst of what human beings have to offer--hate, bigotry, and violence. 

The event was culminated when a car driven by one of these hate-mongers apparently intentionally slammed into a crowd of anti-protester and killed a 32-year old woman  and injured 19 others--what a sick, sick soul!

This miserable event just 2 days shy of 2-months from when Congressman Steve Scalise (R-LA) and 4 others were shot at a baseball field in Alexandria, VA by another nut job from the alt-left. 

Governor Terry McAuliffe (D) said it right when he stated on national TV last evening:
"The hate and division must stop, and it must stop right now."

But as we face large, looming enemies on the international scene -- like dangerous Axis of Evil, North Korea and Iran -- with weapons of mass destruction aimed at our shores and cities, all we can do is hate and fight internally.

What is wrong with this country now -- when so many seem to have abandoned personal integrity and national unity -- and shoot verbally and physically at each other instead of at the real enemies that seek to lay waste to our beloved homeland of the free and the brave?

Soon the missiles will reign down and the hate will smelter in the derangement of conscience. 

(Source Photo: Twitter)