I was sitting on the left side of the car (riding backwards--which I hate)
And a lady was sitting on the right side of the train (also riding backwards)
She was stylishly dressed, but also honestly a little seductive in a short skirt, knee-high boots, and bare legs.
There was a older man sitting across from her (facing forward and facing her).
At one point then some really weird stuff started to go down.
This guy gets up and starts staring at this lady--but not just the lady, specifically at her legs.
But it get worse, he turns his head sideway--this way and that--very obviously trying to look under her skirt.
These were not kids mind-you, but grown adults--and this behavior was not only unexpected, but completely shocking.
There are lots of other people around, and it seems like no one knows what to make of this guy or even cares.
Then he inches closer, as if to get a better look, and get this--100% true--he starts to sniff at her.
It was so scary to see this guy on the train acting all perverted--obviously some sort of serious sexual predator.
My mind starts racing into whether I should get up and be prepared to confront him, so he doesn't hurt this women, or if there is enough time, can I call for the cops.
But before anything else could unfold, the train pulls into the next station, the double doors open, and he quickly hops off.
I turn my head to look at the women to make sure she is okay, and I see her breath out a deep-sigh of relief.
This could've been really bad--he could've tried to attack her in broad daylight or even follow her off the train.
The funny thing was that I didn't see anyone say or do anything about it or even pay attention to the potentially dangerous situation unfolding that was obvious.
The people were all around, but the bystanders were just that "standing (idly) by" and in no way seemed to pay any notice or they just didn't want to get involved--it was like complete apathy.
I hope for everyone's sake--that people really do care and pay attention when there is danger about--and that it's not just everyone for themselves.
We are much stronger together, than when everyone is apathetic or just looking out for themselves. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)