Showing posts with label Adapt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adapt. Show all posts

February 4, 2022

Stop The Excuses

Change is hard, but often necessary.

As they say, "adapt or die." 

Of course, you can change when you stop:

  1. Procrastinating
  2. Being lazy
  3. Accepting the status quo
  4. Making excuses 

Take control of your life: change yourself before life bites back at you (and maybe hard).

We've got to slay our own demons not only outside, but inside. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


March 10, 2017

Does Unwanted Justify Murder?

This sign pasted all around Washington, DC states that:
"An unwanted fetus would support a woman's right to choose"

This means that a baby who isn't wanted potentially grows up to be abused and would rather not have been born.

However, can anyone really say this with a completely straight face?

Sure, some types of abuse can be so terrible that perhaps death is preferable.

But other times, unwanted children become loved or at least accepted children or otherwise make great things out of their lives!

And parents who didn't think at the time that they could do handle a child, find that they adapt or mature, and are better parents than they even expected. 

Unwanted for an unborn baby shouldn't necessarily mean an abortion anymore than any other unwanted person in your life should mean that you can just terminate them.

We aren't G-d and we can't just get rid of people we don't like or want. 

If that was indeed the case, there probably wouldn't be many of us left in the world. 

Of course, there should be exceptions for abortion in cases of rape, incest, severe birth defects, or a clear and present danger to the life of the mother or child. 

Otherwise, a life is a life, and a fetus is a person with a soul like any other from the Maker of heaven and earth. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
