October 6, 2023
In It To Win It!
February 7, 2023
Rising To Great Heights
We can truly reach great heights! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Rebecca and Itzchak)
Rising To Great Heights
August 3, 2021
You Got To Make It!
You do not find the happy life.
You make it!
Too many people seem to wait for miracles, like manna from Heaven to give them what they need or want.
They don't realize that G-d has gifts us what we need (including strength and determination) to work towards these things ourselves.
We are not the Israelites stuck in the barren desert for 40 years that we need it to rain manna.
Of course, it's nice every once in a while when a miracle shows up and we are given an extra hand (or maybe even a full arm).
But day-to-day, we have to at least try to be self-reliant--as well as work with others--to work towards our goals and fulfill our missions in life.
You got to make it happen if you want it bad enough. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
You Got To Make It!
May 5, 2021
From Point A To Point A+
Take it stroke by stroke.
Don't worry about getting all the way from point A to Z.
Instead just focus on getting from point A to point A+.
Just take the first stroke and then another and another.
Like one foot in front of the other.
See how far you've come!
You're on the way to point Z but you don't have to drink the ocean in one gulp to get there. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
From Point A To Point A+
September 3, 2020
Earning Respect!
From the saying of Dwight Johnson, "The Rock":
Blood, sweat, and respect. First two you give. Last one you earn.
Yes, we respect all people in a humanistic way, but real respect is earned based on what a person does!
Blood and sweat means you're putting out, and trying your best to achieve something.
Make sure your efforts are going to something worthwhile.
Helping people!
Doing your responsibilities!
Being a good influence!
Honoring the Master of the Universe!
That's how you earn R-e-s-p-e-c-t. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Earning Respect!
March 3, 2020
Magic Cream
Magic Skin Cream
My dad of blessed memory, when he was alive created a cream called, "Magic Cream."
And it really was magic--he would put it on regularly to heal virtually any routine skin ailment.
It used all natural ingredients and he carefully protected the secret formula.
To now see the magic cream in a major retail store left me really surprised.
I wish that he had been able to bring his magic cream to market and that it would have been a huge success.
IMHO, my dad deserved this achievement--he was brilliant and hardworking and most importantly, a super good person with tremendous faith in G-d and real integrity.
I miss him dearly. ;-)
(Credit Photo: My daughter Rebecca)
Magic Cream
August 21, 2019
The Apollo 11 Mission: 50 Year Anniversary
Thought this model (scale 1:48) of the command ship and lunar lander in the NASA store was perfect.
It truly is miraculous that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldin made this journey.
In just 8 days, they made the round trip between the earth and the moon, traveling about 240,000 miles each way.
And they walked on the moon for about 3 hours--I want to try that!
Even until today, the U.S. remains the only country to have actually put men on the moon (total of 12).
"One small step for a man; one giant leap for mankind."
Now it's high time that we get ourselves to Mars already and colonize it! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
The Apollo 11 Mission: 50 Year Anniversary
August 1, 2019
Being Jewish and Proud
With roughly 15 million Jews in a world of 7.7 billion people, we make up less than .2% of the world population. However, despite our small size, we’ve been recognized with over 20% of the Nobel Prizes for contributions to the sciences, medicine, literature, economics, and peace. Most Jews tend to believe not only in a strong core religious education, but in higher education and lifelong learning, and others excel even when starting out and innovating from their garages. From Abraham and Moses to Einstein and Freud, and even to today’s Jews leading the Technology revolution–such as Steve Ballmer, Sergey Brin, Michael Dell, Larry Ellison, Larry Page, and Mark Zuckerberg–the Jewish contribution is truly unparalleled.
Being Jewish and Proud
April 11, 2019
Israel 4th Nation To Reach the Moon Surface - Mazel Tov!
What an unbelievable achievement for Israel.
Even without a soft landing, Israel is the 4th country in the world to reach the moon surface.
The Moon Club of Just Four:
USA - The Most Powerful
Russia - The Largest by Landmass
China - The Largest by Number of People
Israel - The Holy Land!
Mazel Tov on this truly great accomplishment.
We are all so proud of you! ;-)
Israel 4th Nation To Reach the Moon Surface - Mazel Tov!
March 4, 2019
What Makes Happy
Some like big jobs and lots of power.
Others are happier with more work-life balance.
Some like to pursue lots of degrees and certifications.
Others like to learn on their own and through life experience.
Some like to travel the world.
Others like a day in nature or at the museum.
Some like big families and lots of people around them.
Others like smaller families, close friends, intimacy, or even being more on their own.
Some like lots of money.
Other are happy with having what they need.
Some like to be tremendous athletes.
Other like to just stay fit or maybe are more comfy as "couch potatoes."
Some like to be very religious and follow all the laws.
Others prefer mindfulness, a sense of spirituality and being a "good person."
Some like lots of activities and to always do different things.
Others are more comfortable with routine and incremental change.
We all have basic needs, but we also have different values, priorities and comfort zones.
Happiness isn't a yes or no answer, but what makes us feel on track and doing good. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
What Makes Happy
November 11, 2018
Stretch Goals That Break The Band
You want to have stretch goals because they make your strive to do and be your best.
When you have to stretch yourself above your normal then you can take yourself to whole new levels of performance and achievement.
However, if the stretch goals are ridiculously unachievable than you simply set yourself up for frustration and failure.
Goals need to be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound.
But too often they are DUMB goals: Directed by others, Unachievable, Made to fail, and Based on false assumptions.
For example, if someone tells you to jump off that bridge into the whitewater beneath because they assume that somehow you can spread you bare arms and fly--guess what is going to happen to you?
Goals can help you get to new heights of accomplishment in life or they can pull you down in false condemnation and despair.
Like in fighting the good fight...be careful when you are sent to the front lines in trench warfare with heavily dug fortifications, machine guns and artillery placements aimed your way and yelled at with no rational strategy to "Advance!"
The only place that is going to take you is to an early grave.
Instead, fight smart and take the hill when the hill is takable--you save a lot more lives that way and you actually take that hill! ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Stretch Goals That Break The Band
January 22, 2018
Worth The Squeeze
"The juice has to be worth the squeeze."
It's a little like the corollary to "If something is worth doing, then it's worth doing right."
Spending time and effort has to show commensurate meaningful results or why the heck are you doing it?
Probably always good to reevaluate where you're getting the "most bang for the buck," so you're not "just spinning your wheels."
With all the sayings about what we do and whether it's really worth it, there is probably some good reason to be concerned about whether or not you spending your time productively or just acting insane, because:
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
Results matter--so make sure your achieving them or go do something else you enjoy and that's ultimately worth the squeeze! ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Worth The Squeeze
December 24, 2017
Beautiful Israel Architecture
Side by side...
The old and the new.
The proud and the natural.
The strong and the spiritual.
Obviously, I've only had a chance to see a very little bit.
But everywhere just seems marvelous.
So much achieved, and still such great potential.
A people who survived the genocidal Holocaust and faced down the devil himself, with G-d's help have rebuilt their ancient homeland.
Miracles everywhere, I can attest to it with my own eyes and soul. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Beautiful Israel Architecture
November 17, 2017
A Future Beyond Fear
"The future is on the other side of fear."Sometimes we feel hemmed in or torn down by life.
And there is plenty of fear of failure and not being able to do what we need to do.
But the only way to get there is to get past the fear!
You need to look straight ahead into the future of what you want.
And you need to overcome your worst fear...that you're not good enough, you're not smart enough, you're not strong enough, and you're not beautiful enough.
...and the gnawing feeling inside that you can't do it.
This is precisely when you need to center yourself, strengthen yourself, and pray for G-d's help.
Whether to get over it, under it, or through it.
The future--your future--is on the other side of that fear--that fear that is holding you back.
No, you're not stupid, ugly, weak, or unworthy.
Yes, you're a child of the G-d on the most high.
So you can reach deep and reach high to accomplish your mission in life.
You can truly leap over mountains and even reach for the stars.
No, it's not beyond you.
It's right in front of you.
Take that deep breath, clench your fist, gird you sword, and ready yourself in every way.
The fear holding you back is yours to conquer.
And the future is yours to be had. ;-)
(Inspired by my wife, Dannielle Blumenthal)
(Source Graphic: Andy Blumenthal)
A Future Beyond Fear
November 3, 2017
Tooting Your Own Horn
But sometimes it is hard when they are so intent on tooting their own horns.
Bragging, boasting, patting themselves on the back about how smart they are or a job so incredibly well done.
Oh, you've got to ask yourself...
Is it all really true?
Do we have perhaps some slight exaggeration going on with a dose of self-aggrandizement, a spoonful of self-promotion, and more than a pinch of big ego?
Perhaps, also the person is in denial as to what their own capabilities--and limitations--really are.
For example, many artists are enthralled with their work and themselves.
"Isn't this so good?"
"Can you believe I made this?
"Wow, this is impressive, right?"
Sure, there are plenty of talented people out there doing good and even amazing work.
But even then tempering your achievements with a little modesty and balance, like "I do this well, but I need to grow more in that area"--goes a long way to making the admirable talents and achievements more honest, humble, and believable.
Always, people are good at some things, and worse at others.
We all have things to work on and improve, and nobody is so perfect in this world!
We can try to come close--that's our job to strive for it--but true perfection belongs to G-d alone. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Tooting Your Own Horn
July 17, 2017
Ooh That Is Good
It's an absolutely awesome level of athletic achievement and it's definitely something to celebrate.
But when I saw this photo of him and his trophy in the paper this morning, it seemed over the top!
Whenever someone sets their mind to something, works really hard, and is thank G-d able to achieve it--that is something to be happy about and enormously grateful for.
Hey, listen, I understand there are some real superstars out there and I respect them!
However, seeing this guy clutching his trophy in both hands, smelling it, kissing it, and more...it looks to me more like idolatry than the pure, sweet smell of success.
I get it--he worked super hard, achieved impossible things, and deserves to savor the incredible moment--no one is taking that away from him.
Instead of that gold trophy, wouldn't you rather see him kissing his wife and children, thanking G-d (and his coach maybe), and saying things like how he will continue to use his success and earning to help others or maybe train the next generation of aspiring athletes.
I applaud Federer more for his known philanthropy in helping disadvantaged children and doing charitable events for disaster victims than for winning his 19th championship (hey, 18 would've been fine too).
In the end, self- (and trophy-) love and admiration is not the something to celebrate, but should instead point us back to character and using our strength and achievements to help others.
For what is really important in life, there is no earthly trophy for--and certainly not one worth any ultimate embrace. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal via Wall Street Journal)
Ooh That Is Good
June 5, 2017
What A Climb!
I like the image of climbing and overcoming--with G-d's help--whatever obstacle is in our path.
It's not easy to climb and keep climbing, because the higher you go, the thinner the air, the more tired you get, and the further you have to fall!
But what I also realized about the image of the climber is that if you turn it on it's side, then the same person who is climbing...is now crawling.
What at times in life can be a beautiful climb up, at other times can be any of us on all fours.
There is no easy path straight up, although there is definitely one that can go straight down!
Sometimes, we are vertical--living and working hard trying to achieve something.
And other times, we are horizontal--resting, asleep, or even in a hospital bed fighting for our lives just to survive another moment or day.
When we climb, we may literally be trying to conquer mountains.
But when you crawl, you may literally be on the ground begging for mercy.
Climbing and crawling are really not that far apart in terms about 90 degrees and how quickly change can happen and a person goes from an upward trajectory to a more devastating one.
Some things to keep in mind...anchor your feet solidly and hold on to that rope tightly and even for dear life. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
What A Climb!
May 26, 2017
Memorial Day Stars and Stripes
So cool with the stars on the sleeve like that.
I thought this was especially nice for the upcoming Memorial Day weekend.
As we remember those that have sacrificed so much, and the many that have fallen making the ultimate sacrifice, so that all we could be free.
"In the olden days," they used to say America was the "goldene medina"--the golden country--the land of opportunity!
But really, the gold itself is just fools gold, the real greatness of being here is the freedom to be who you are and to have the human rights and protections to pursue whatever your dreams are.
Maybe that's what the stars on the flag are really all about--we can all reach for the stars--whatever stars we want--and many will actually be able to achieve the impossible. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Memorial Day Stars and Stripes
November 25, 2016
What Is Peace + Happiness?
What Is Peace + Happiness?
November 16, 2016
Make People and Time Count
And it's a reflection of the adults, of course.
When 10,000 middle and high school students from 33 schools across the country were asked, what's more important--80% chose high achievement or happiness as their top priority vs just 20% who picked caring for others.
The kids who chose their happiness and achievement over helping others tended to score low on empathy and were at greater risk of being "cruel, disrespectful, and dishonest."
Bottom line is that these are our values that we impart when we recognize and reward our children for things like good grades and extra-curriculars, but not for helping or caring about others.
Pretty much, I think parents worry that their kids should be able to support and care for themselves, because that's what's considered our primary responsibility as parents--to make sure the next generation survives and can go on physically and materially once we are gone.
In a way, it's Darwinism and survival of the species and of the fittest.
The problem is survival of our physical manifestation is not equivalent to the thriving of the spiritual being inside all of us.
It's not enough to live, but we have to live a good and descent life.
Our bodies wither and die, but our souls learn, grow, and go on to the afterlife.
Yesterday, I had this freakish accident, going through the turnstiles on the Metro in Washington, DC.
The person before me went right through the gates as they opened, but when I put my pass down and went through, the gates had a glitz and closed suddenly right on my legs (and my artificial hips) and I went tumbling forward hard to the floor.
Amazingly, two wonderful bystanders (not the Metro employees who didn't even flinch or care) came rushing over to me, and literally lifted me up by the arms and handed me my wallet and glasses which had fallen to the side.
One of the people that helped was especially nice to me, and he asked me how I was and really seemed to care that I was alright--imagine that a complete stranger in the Metro!
The two people who stopped to help could've literally hopped right over me to rush for the train at the end of the day like everyone else, but they didn't.
To them, caring was more important than their own time.
Maybe I got the 20% yesterday, but it made me realize AGAIN how terrific some people are and they truly make time count--by making people count--like unfortunately many others may never ever bother to. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Make People and Time Count