Hmmm, how does that make sense?
Israel abides by every ceasefire, sets up medical facilities for Gazans, provides advance warning of fighting to get innocents out of the way, and makes every attempt to withhold fire when civilians are at risk.
This while Hamas and Islamic Jihad use babies as human shields and indiscriminately target vast population centers and critical infrastructure in Israel.
Incredibly, the UN Relief and Works Agency facilities in Gaza (e.g. schools) were being used to hide missiles for use against Israel and upon discovery, the UNRWA returned these to terrorists to continue to harm civilians.
Unfortunately, in these cases, the UN is not protecting human rights, but rather is enabling the "rights" of dangerous terrorists to act grossly inhuman and immoral.
Where politics trumps right and wrong...evil is permitted to flourish and good is diminished in the world.
Only 13 years since the 9/11 attack by Islamic terrorists that killed almost 3,000 innocent civilians the world again getting amnesia on the very dangerous threat it faces?
(Source Photo: here from The Yeshiva World)