It asks to Stop Fighting Congress or perhaps stop the fighting in Congress.
The point is to come together and collaborate for a better decision, rather than have bad decisions made by just one side or have indecision altogether.
The New York Times had an Op-Ed over the weekend called The Great Unraveling about how we are living amidst hatred, fighting, disintegration, disease, and disorientation.
And we are watching it as if dazed and confused--paralyzed as a nation taking maybe a baby step here or there, but with seemingly no solid committment to do anything to really change, improve, better, or win.
Scared by lost lives and treasure since 9/11...we cannot bear to lose or waiver in our resolve because of weariness or despair.
Their is a lot to get done...for ourselves and future generations.
We've got to stop fighting our demons and each other and instead face up, man up, to the myriad of global problems that confront us. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)