You want cloud?
You got cloud!
Cloud Computing with the virtually infinite promise for flexible, cost-effective, on-demand computing--all centrally managed by the vendor--you can sleep easy at night, oh baby.
CIOs love it.
The only problem as everyone moves to the cloud is the promise of the cloud continues to fall short.
Now how unpopular a thing to say is that?
Take out the guillotine...
Seriously though, it was supposed to be flexible, but it isn't so much as vendors contract with customers for multi-year deals and customers find switching vendors not quite so easy...anyone hear of vendor lock-in?
Also, cloud was supposed to be more cost-effective, but vendors still need to make their margins, so longer commitments, service bundling, minimum fixed costs, and variable month-to-month pricing--sure helps things add BIG DOLLARS for the cloud vendor.
Then you have vendors that simply call everything cloud...ah, "cloud washing" that is. If you think you are getting cloud (even if it ain't so much so), yippee are you have drunk the cool-aid and it is sweet.
Technology leaders swooping into a new job want to come in with a bang..."Hey, look what I did to modernize, transform, reinvent, revolutionize...and save money too--thank G-d, they hired me."
So cloud, cloud, sounds so CLOUD PLEASING, I mean crowd-pleasing.
Whether in the specific situation it's better or not, that's not the point, stupid.
At least, it's out of our hair--let the vendor worry about it!
One, two, three...everyone say "CLOUD!" ;-)
(Source Graphic: Andy Blumenthal)