There was an interesting quote in the Wall Street Journal the other day.
It was about how the stock brokers all too often hawked hot stocks to their unsuspecting and foolish clients:
You sold the sizzle, not the steak!
Wow, isn't this all too often what happens with products and services in the marketplace?
People get you hyped up on all the excitement of something.
The latest and greatest widget or whatever.
It's gonna revolutionize the world!
Even when the thing itself may not be all that it's cracked up to be.
Or in fact, it may be a complete dud!
But whatever sells goes, unfortunately, whether it's right or wrong
Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle.
Doesn't that sizzle really make you want to buy the steak?
The Greater Fool Theory in full blossom. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Sizzle Is Not Steak
So I tried out Twitter's new Vine App--and it is a thoroughly mind numbing experience.
There is an old saying that "wine is fine, but liquor is quicker," in this case the only thing that will put you under the table more quickly than Vine is some hard liquor.
You hold your finger to your screen and take 3 short video clips and Vine splices it together sequentially into a 6-second video that loops over and over again.
As you scroll your feed in your Vine, every time you come to the next video, it comes alive in these short meaningless bursts, and then goes into its crazy loop until you scroll down to the next annoying video clip.
When Twitter decided to put an end to its blog, Posterous, that it purchased just a year earlier, I thought that they had gone off the rails.
Now that I see they have replaced any semblance of thinking and sharing through blogs with loop-the-loop 6-second video feeds of babies crying and dogs asking to be taken for a walk, I know someone at Twitter must seriously be on the bottle.
There is a 6 second video for Twitter that says you've lost your minds. ;-)
(Source Photo: here with attribution to Robert Michalove)
Twitter's Vine Is DOA