There is a new application from the White House called "We The People" for crowdsourcing public opinion and getting your voice heard on policy issues. This is an easy way to let the administration know your opinions and get others to sign on as well.
It's simple to set up an account--just input your name, email, and zip code and verify your account.
Then you can sign existing petitions or create your own and share the link with others via email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Here's how to create a petition in 10 easy steps:
1) Sign on to your White account
2) Create an action statement (i.e. petition headline)
3) Select up to 3 issue categories
4) Review existing petitions on the same subjects
5) Sign the other petitions and/or create your own
6) Describe your petition in 800 words or less
7) Add key words (tags).
8) Preview and edit
9) Publish
10) Share
According to the site, the current threshold for getting an official response is 5,000 signatures within 30 days.
So petition away and let your voice be heard on important issues to you--this is your hotline to the President and his staff.
I can't think of a better use of social media than this.
(I work for the government, but am not representing them here...all opinions my own.)