The U.S. democracy is severely broken.
We are supposed to be "one out of many," but instead we are many out of one.
There is a tearing at our nation's fabric.
Resistance. Obstruction. Polarization. Gridlock. Shutdown. Identity Politics. Hating on each other. Can't get anything done.
Legislatively we're at an impasse.
It's not just the border wall...
- No full year (let alone multi-year) budgets for all Federal agencies.
- No Healthcare Fix
- No Immigration Reform
- No Education (STEM) Improvement
- No USA Infrastructure Bill
- We are losing our edge to a resurgent Russia and a China taking world stage militarily and economically.
Executive Branch has its hands tied.
Special Counsels. Congressional Inquiries. Judicial injunctions. Media Lynchings.
Alone. Thwarted. Unable to lead or act.
Presidential hand tied by mommy Pelosi and Daddy Schumer.
State of the Union cancelled.
Presidency is compromised in the eyes of every national competitor and demagogue in the world.
Without a strong leadership reestablished and permitted to act, we are running a very strong risk of losing our superpower status and becoming just another has-been nation.
Don't think it can't happen.
The three branches of the government should be working together and helping each other to strengthen our nation's survival, prosperity, and success.
If we don't stop the madness, then we will implode and it won't be a pretty or a happy day for anyone--Democrats or Republicans.
Last chance for E. Pluribus Unum. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)