This was a funny shirt this lady was wearing on the Metro.
It mimics the Sweet 'N Low artificial sweetener logo and says:
Fund R' Low
Need a Sugar Daddy
This was one of those shirts that gets your attention.
It's different. It plays off a familiar brand. It bright pink, red, and blue and stands out. And it could certainly have a sexual connotation.
Anyway, this was a pretty bold shirt to wear into conservative Washington, D.C.
But I guess wherever you go, fashion, sexuality, and cash is king. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Dannielle Blumenthal)

Cash Is King
So I was at an eatery (not this one) in South Florida.
I order a sandwich, and I must've been in a little mood.
The waiter says to me, "Do you want it with everything?"
And I smiled and said, "Yeah, especially the everything!"
Then when we were done eating, I get up to pay at the counter, and pull out my plastic.
The cashier says to me, "We only take cash."
I smile again and now playing with her respond, "Well, I only pay plastic, now what do we do?"
I was only joking around as I pull out the few bucks of cash I happen to have in my pocket (note: I rarely even carry paper money in the age of technology).
As I left, I thought about the brief exchanges and sort of laughed to myself.
It doesn't pay to take a hard and fast line with people...
Much better to be flexible like, "What would you like on your sandwich (we have X, Y, and Z)?" or "Cash or credit today Sir?"
Being all or nothing just provokes an occasional smart aleck to pay a little back. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

For The Love Of Pizza
People vote to get representation in political office for what they believe or want.
- Gun Rights
- Abortion Rights
- Civil Rights
- Social Entitlements
- International Engagement
- Strong Defense
- Low Taxes
- Etc. Etc. Etc.
But now, cities like Los Angeles that are looking to boost voter turnout want to offer cash prizes.
The cash prize "might include a prize as high as $50,000."
Nice (not!)--head to the polls like you do to buy a Powerball ticket.
Votes, like love, is not something that should be bought.
For those fortunate enough to live in a free country, voting is a special right where everyone can have a say and influence the world around them.
Instead of focusing on handing out rides or money to go and vote, maybe instead we should create awareness of what a great opportunity it is to live in a democracy and be able to chart our own course rather than live like so many around the globe under the rule of dictators and tyrants.
Voting is a great privilege for those who care to stand up and make a difference by going to the polls, voting is not an ATM machine. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Vote to Have A Say
This is great--finally soda vending machines that take credit cards.
No more looking for change or losing your cash in the machine.
Plastic takes a another win!
Electronic and mobile payments will put hard currency out of business--sooner or later. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Credit Card Cola