Note: Not Kosher.
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)July 12, 2024
Burger King Monster
January 16, 2024
October 31, 2023
September 1, 2023
July 28, 2023
Orange Monster
June 13, 2023
October 10, 2021
The Mother of all Cactus Needles
When I checked out from the store with this deadly plant, the cashier oulls the cactus from the shopping cart and gets one of the pins stuck right in her finger.
It was just sort of caught there with the other end hanging out a couple of inches from her finger.
A little shocked and not sure what to say, I just sort of stumbled "Oh, Are you okay? I so sorry!"
She said she was and reached over and plucked the needle out holding her hand limply in the other.
On the way home then, this guy says to me, "you better not sit on that thing."
Ah yeah, you're not kidding! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
The Mother of all Cactus Needles
April 18, 2021
Do Three Eyes Help Us See Better?
Eyes right, left, and straight ahead.
What if we had eyes in the back of our heads?
Now, you don't have to look over your shoulder.
360-degree vision is that better 20/20 hindsight! ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Do Three Eyes Help Us See Better?
December 8, 2016
Graffiti Blood Fashion
Aside from all the colors, the design is just eye-taking.
Almost like graffiti on a skirt!
Hey, I think that would make a great business for someone(s) by the way.
Give me a call...and we'll start it up and make a $ billion--I hope!
Seriously, this skirt is so interesting with a scare theme of monsters, heart, teeth, and blood.
But the fright is quickly turned into envious fashion style as a complete standout item.
Gorgeous design and style, and I definitely see a fashion trend emerging here big time. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Graffiti Blood Fashion
September 24, 2015
Everyone's Heart Is Something
This video has gone viral since Monday.
A 6-year old girl instructs her mom and dad on how to treat each other better after her parent's divorce.
"I just want everyone to be friends."
"If I can be nice, I think all of you can be too."
"I want everyone to smile."
"I think you can get your mean heights to low heights."
"My heart is something. Everyone's heart is something."
"If we live in a world where everyone is mean, then everyone will be a monster. What about the future?"
"If there is a little bit of person, we will eat them, then no one will ever be here, only the monsters will be in our place,"
"I want everything to be good and possible, nothing else."
So innocent and pure are her words.
Yes, a wake-up call to all of us!
If G-d can endow us with such pristine souls, surely we can nurture these and one day return them to the Maker, certainly no worse for the wear, and maybe even some better with good deeds done. ;-)
Everyone's Heart Is Something
August 21, 2012
Howie Mandel Was Right All Along
If you don't, this little green slime creature is going to come and get you.
It reminded me of the other day heading into the bathroom, and I see this guy coming the other way out of one of the Stalls.
He actually does head to the sink to the wash his hands--he's in the minority in this country, I understand.
Well the sink is one of the automatic ones and has no faucets.
The guy sticks his hands underneath....nothing.
He starts waving his (dirty) hands...and still nothing.
After the third try...he throws his hands up, looks at me, and says, "Now that's awkward" and proceeds to walk out the bathroom holding his hands literally at full arms length.
I hoped that he didn't run into anyone he knows on the way and reached out to shake their hands--because they would've gotten a nasty surprise, indeed.
This sign tells it the way it is--sorry folks. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Howie Mandel Was Right All Along