Showing posts with label Explosive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Explosive. Show all posts

December 15, 2021

When Branding is the Bomb

Putting your company name or logo on a grenade. 

Does that make you the bomb?

I guess it could mean that you're exploding with energy, creativity, quality, coolness, market share, revenue, profits, or more. 

Maybe it's a warning to your competitors to stay clear or they will suffer the explosive consequences.

Another reading is that your company is in trouble and is about explode, fragment, and leave a trail of dead bodies in its wake. 

If you love your brand, instead of a T-shirt with their logo next time, maybe you'll consider splurging for their very own branded grenade.

You can display it, throw it, or sit on it and hope for the best the brand has to offer. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


September 21, 2021

What She Smoking?

Is looks like a cigarette but it has red and blue wires hanging out the front of it. 

So is it a smoke or a ticking time bomb? 

Or maybe she's just trying to look cool.

Nope~Kaboom! ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
