Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Lessons in Life and Meschlichkeit."
(Credit Photo: makamuki0 via
Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Lessons in Life and Meschlichkeit."
Lessons in Life and Menschlichkeit
When we finally got back to the hotel and my wife was feeling better, I told her how amazed I was with the goodness of these complete strangers that we encountered. I saw people who expressed concern and care for someone they didn't know and for whom they wanted nothing in return.I believe that this is ultimately what life is all about: it's not about the money, the honor, or what we get out of a situation; rather, it's about doing good in the world and savoring G-d's blessing over anything that is material or narcissistic.
The Best of People
He was the President of Congregation Ramath Orah on the Upper West Side of Manhattan in NYC.
I used to be so proud of him standing up at the bimah (podium) and giving the Shabbat announcements every week and everything he did to care for the synagogue and community.
Also, I loved to go up and sit next to him by Ark where the holy Torahs are kept.
He was an exceptional human being, as was his son, my father (and my father's siblings, my Uncle Sid and Aunt Ruth).
Good to the core people! People of faith and family!
I miss my Opa and Oma (grandmother) as well as my dear parents very much.
Like the Chanukah Menorah, they were the light of my upbringing and set me on a path to go forward with my own family.
Chanukah is a time of miracles and I feel that I have seen them not only in our history, but in our lives today! ;-)
My Wonderful Opa
Beautiful People
Colleagues That Care
Not Caring or Worse
@Sandy Spring Museum Music Jam
Preparing Simchat Torah Dinner
Missed The Shot But Someone Else Got It
Absolutely The Times Of Mashiach
The Nicest Blossoms Ever
The Heart and Soul Of The Matter
"Darkness can't drive out darkness.There is so much darkness in certain people.
Only Light can do that."
Light Drives Out Darkness
The Good Eggs
Among All The Apples
Fulfilling Dying Children's Wishes
World Of Amazing Times and People
613 Everywhere
"The reason that we have pain is to avoid more pain."
"Better to cry now than to cry later!"
"A person becomes better when they struggle. I've become better by struggling."
The Meaning Of Pain
Better A Mensch Than Money