Showing posts with label Blood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blood. Show all posts
September 16, 2024
February 2, 2021
Little Stinker
Wow, that's a little stinker of a gun.
Looks like someone carved the small-stock wood themselves and attached the barrel, hammer, and trigger.
Now, that's a concealed weapon opportunity.
Leaving the royal red pillow out of it. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Little Stinker
September 3, 2020
Earning Respect!
Great Under Armour Shirt!
From the saying of Dwight Johnson, "The Rock":
Yes, we respect all people in a humanistic way, but real respect is earned based on what a person does!
Blood and sweat means you're putting out, and trying your best to achieve something.
Make sure your efforts are going to something worthwhile.
Helping people!
Doing your responsibilities!
Being a good influence!
Honoring the Master of the Universe!
That's how you earn R-e-s-p-e-c-t. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
From the saying of Dwight Johnson, "The Rock":
Blood, sweat, and respect. First two you give. Last one you earn.
Yes, we respect all people in a humanistic way, but real respect is earned based on what a person does!
Blood and sweat means you're putting out, and trying your best to achieve something.
Make sure your efforts are going to something worthwhile.
Helping people!
Doing your responsibilities!
Being a good influence!
Honoring the Master of the Universe!
That's how you earn R-e-s-p-e-c-t. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Earning Respect!
Hard Work,
Helping People,
Under Armour
August 12, 2020
Seeing Red!
I can't help but see red.
Red is the color of an apple and a strawberry
Red is the color of blood and fire.
Red is when you unfortunately lose money or go broke.
Red is a can of Coke and the planet Mars.
Red means you got something wrong on the paper or exam.
Red sneakers, that's okay too. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Red is the color of an apple and a strawberry
Red is the color of blood and fire.
Red is when you unfortunately lose money or go broke.
Red is a can of Coke and the planet Mars.
Red means you got something wrong on the paper or exam.
Red sneakers, that's okay too. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Seeing Red!
July 6, 2020
We Are Family!
I like this definition of family:
We take care of each other.
No matter what.
My father used to say:
It's not just from the battlefield that we make sure to bring everyone home.
Home is where the heart is. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Family means NOBODY gets left behind.
We take care of each other.
No matter what.
My father used to say:
Blood is thicker than water.
It's not just from the battlefield that we make sure to bring everyone home.
Home is where the heart is. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
We Are Family!
April 8, 2017
Rivers Of Blood
Obama and Kerry did nothing!
And the result has literally been rivers of blood in Syria.
Obama and Kerry could have fired the warning shots--as President Trump just did 79 days into his new administration--but Obama and Kerry choose weakness and inaction.
The result of the Obama administration's inaction is that Russia has now comfortably moved and settled into Syria and that 500,000 Syrians are dead, 13.5 million require humanitarian assistance, 6 million are internally displaced, and 4.8 million refugees have fled across the borders.
Contrary to all who have accused President Trump of being complicit with Russia, instead we now see in him a leader who in fact stands up for what is right to Russia and despots like Syria's Assad.
Perhaps the real person complicit with the Russians and Iranians was Obama who let them ride roughshod over human rights and over America.
In complicity was not President Trump, but Obama secretly whispering to the Russians and caught on an open mic: "After the election, I will have more flexibility"--to do what Americans obviously wouldn't want me to do.
With regards to Syria's chemical weapons, Kerry falsely stated to the American people:
"We got 100% of chemical weapons out of Syria."
However, the slaughter continued for years and we continue to see chemical weapons used again this week with horrific pictures of men, women, and children brutally murdered in the streets of Syria.
But the weakness, disengagement, and leadership from behind from Obama and Kerry is hopefully behind us now.
Stay up is the phony deal that Obama and Kerry made with "Axis of Evil" Iran and the do-nothing with North Korea that has continued to lead them to a nuclear ICBM that can reach America!
So as we will soon start the holidays of Passover and Easter, we know that only G-d can make rivers of white water or of red blood flow mercifully or justly, but Obama and Kerry are the ones complicit in the slaughter of hundreds of thousands in Syria that they could've stopped, but didn't.
Rivers Of Blood
Axis of Evil,
Human Rights,
Leadership From Behind,
National Security,
North Korea,
Red Lines,
December 8, 2016
Graffiti Blood Fashion
Aside from all the colors, the design is just eye-taking.
Almost like graffiti on a skirt!
Hey, I think that would make a great business for someone(s) by the way.
Give me a call...and we'll start it up and make a $ billion--I hope!
Seriously, this skirt is so interesting with a scare theme of monsters, heart, teeth, and blood.
But the fright is quickly turned into envious fashion style as a complete standout item.
Gorgeous design and style, and I definitely see a fashion trend emerging here big time. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Graffiti Blood Fashion
March 1, 2014
First We Must Live
I liked this advertisement for the movie sequel to the 300 coming out this week.
Anyway, for this scary-looking dude, "War is in my blood"--that's who he is and these days, it seems like he is not alone in this crazy and violent world.
Some people are like that...they always like to fight, be oppositional, or just be difficult.
My belief is more like Ecclesiastes--that there is a time and place for everything..."a time for war and a time for peace."
Around the globe, there seems to be plenty of fighting, slaughter, and tensions going on...from Damascus to Kiev, from Iran to Venezuela, from Sudan to the South China Sea, and more.
I heard what I thought was a good saying on the Game Of Thrones Season 3 (which by the way is totally excellent), it went like this:
Let's hope and pray for more peaceful, stable, and pleasant times.
There is yet much to live for. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Anyway, for this scary-looking dude, "War is in my blood"--that's who he is and these days, it seems like he is not alone in this crazy and violent world.
Some people are like that...they always like to fight, be oppositional, or just be difficult.
My belief is more like Ecclesiastes--that there is a time and place for everything..."a time for war and a time for peace."
Around the globe, there seems to be plenty of fighting, slaughter, and tensions going on...from Damascus to Kiev, from Iran to Venezuela, from Sudan to the South China Sea, and more.
I heard what I thought was a good saying on the Game Of Thrones Season 3 (which by the way is totally excellent), it went like this:
"If we die, we die, but first we will live."
Let's hope and pray for more peaceful, stable, and pleasant times.
There is yet much to live for. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
First We Must Live
Game of Thrones,
Life and Death,
Time and Place,
United Nations,
February 4, 2014
From Flat Tires To Wounded Warriors
Totally awesome new technology breakthrough for treating hemorraging patients from the battlefield to the obstetrics ward.
Popular Science reports how a pocket-size syringe filled with sponges can stop bleeding in seconds.
Instead of having to apply wads of gauze and apply pressure"that doesn't always work...[and] medic must pull out all the gauze and start over again," the injection of sponges into the wound "boosts survival and spares injured soldiers from additional pain."
This same technology developed by RevMedx for the military is being adapted for postpartum hemmorages, and I would imagine could eventually be used in other serious bleeding cases whether caused by accident, trauma, in surgery, or other medical necessity.
The sponges are about 1-centimeter circles and are coated with a blood-clotting, antimicrobial substance.
Once injected, the sponges expand to about 20 times their size to fill the wound, apply enough pressure to stop the bleending, and clings to moist surfaces, so they aren't forced out by gushing blood.
The sponges have X-shaped markers on each that are visible on an x-ray image to ensure none are left inside.
The solution is sterile, biocompatible and in the future may be biodegradable so they don't have to be removed from the body.
And to think that the inspiration was Fix-a-Flat foam for emergency tire repair. ;-)
From Flat Tires To Wounded Warriors
September 7, 2013
Rethinking How Blood Work Is Done
The Wall Street Journal has a fascinating interview today with Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of a new company that has rethought how we do blood work for medical diagnosis.
Her company, Theranos, has certified phlebotomists for taking patient's blood, but instead of taking vials and vials of blood, they just take a pinprick worth--1/1,000 of a typical draw--from the tip of your finger.
Moreover, unlike with conventional blood work testing, "only about 62% of tests that doctors order are ultimately carried out,"partially because there is still not enough blood drawn, but with Theranos the tests are able to be done with only small drop sample sizes.
With advanced, patented technology, Theranos does the tests (blood, urine, other) faster--in 4 hours or less, rather than in days, so you, the patient, can get the results quicker, and treatment for your condition sooner.
Moreover the results are said to be more precise to within a 10% variation--in contrast to typical labs tests that are within plus-or-minus 30% allowable error--a 60% error range!
With faster and better technology, Theranos helps your doctor to make a more accurate diagnosis and provide targeted treatment.
The testing results are provided securely and electronically to the doctors in this very cool dashboard (pictured above) in which blood measurements can be quickly and easily seen on a scale of low-to-high, as well as whether something is deficient, insufficient, or at toxic levels.
Also, Theranos provides trending of results over time, so the physician can quickly see whether the patient's condition is worsening or improving, and can make treatment decisions accordingly.
And when the doctor releases the results, you'll be able to logon and see them for yourself as well.
Further, Theranos is committing to conduct the blood work at a 50%-off discount on Medicare fees--they are saying, "we want to bill you at less than you're willing to reimburse."
I really like when someone bold and bright like Elizabeth Holmes comes along and breaks the old broken paradigms--really rethinking how something could/should be done better.
In general, it often seems that the medical field is change/risk adverse (like with adoption of electronic health records), but Ms. Holmes has brought a better, faster, and cheaper testing and diagnostic process to all of us.
I noticed that Theranos has a very impressive roster on it's board, including former Secretary of States Henry Kissinger and George Schultz and former Secretary of Defense, William J. Perry to name just a few.
Theranos seems to be the company to watch in this medical diagnostic laboratory field.
No more scary big needles--just a pin-prick and a few drops of blood...that's blood worth taking and testing. ;-)
(Source Photo: Theranos Website)
Her company, Theranos, has certified phlebotomists for taking patient's blood, but instead of taking vials and vials of blood, they just take a pinprick worth--1/1,000 of a typical draw--from the tip of your finger.
Moreover, unlike with conventional blood work testing, "only about 62% of tests that doctors order are ultimately carried out,"partially because there is still not enough blood drawn, but with Theranos the tests are able to be done with only small drop sample sizes.
With advanced, patented technology, Theranos does the tests (blood, urine, other) faster--in 4 hours or less, rather than in days, so you, the patient, can get the results quicker, and treatment for your condition sooner.
Moreover the results are said to be more precise to within a 10% variation--in contrast to typical labs tests that are within plus-or-minus 30% allowable error--a 60% error range!
With faster and better technology, Theranos helps your doctor to make a more accurate diagnosis and provide targeted treatment.
The testing results are provided securely and electronically to the doctors in this very cool dashboard (pictured above) in which blood measurements can be quickly and easily seen on a scale of low-to-high, as well as whether something is deficient, insufficient, or at toxic levels.
Also, Theranos provides trending of results over time, so the physician can quickly see whether the patient's condition is worsening or improving, and can make treatment decisions accordingly.
And when the doctor releases the results, you'll be able to logon and see them for yourself as well.
Further, Theranos is committing to conduct the blood work at a 50%-off discount on Medicare fees--they are saying, "we want to bill you at less than you're willing to reimburse."
I really like when someone bold and bright like Elizabeth Holmes comes along and breaks the old broken paradigms--really rethinking how something could/should be done better.
In general, it often seems that the medical field is change/risk adverse (like with adoption of electronic health records), but Ms. Holmes has brought a better, faster, and cheaper testing and diagnostic process to all of us.
I noticed that Theranos has a very impressive roster on it's board, including former Secretary of States Henry Kissinger and George Schultz and former Secretary of Defense, William J. Perry to name just a few.
Theranos seems to be the company to watch in this medical diagnostic laboratory field.
No more scary big needles--just a pin-prick and a few drops of blood...that's blood worth taking and testing. ;-)
(Source Photo: Theranos Website)
Rethinking How Blood Work Is Done
Advanced Technology,
June 23, 2013
Sweet Sweat, Bitter Blood
General George S. Patton had a saying that "The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war."
And while we shouldn't sweat the small and unimportant stuff in life, we also can't afford to overlook those things that are really important like our health, spiritual well-being, modest prosperity to care for ourselves and loved ones, and of course ensuring freedom and justice for all people.
It's a balancing act to do everything and it takes hard work to try and be successful on so many fronts of life.
Some success strategies:
- Be aware of what's going on around you--we live in a dynamic world and things are constantly changing.
- Work hard to always have a positive impact--it's too easy to be negative and cynical, give up trying, and throw in the towel.
- Learn from mistakes--everyone makes them.
- Hope for the best, but also train and prepare for the worst--because you never really know.
Overall, I think the picture above says it well: It's better to sweat in training, than bleed in battle.
So listen to the General: sweat now--really work it and don't be afraid to push your limits--you'll be glad you did, when the time comes and it really counts. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
And while we shouldn't sweat the small and unimportant stuff in life, we also can't afford to overlook those things that are really important like our health, spiritual well-being, modest prosperity to care for ourselves and loved ones, and of course ensuring freedom and justice for all people.
It's a balancing act to do everything and it takes hard work to try and be successful on so many fronts of life.
Some success strategies:
- Be aware of what's going on around you--we live in a dynamic world and things are constantly changing.
- Work hard to always have a positive impact--it's too easy to be negative and cynical, give up trying, and throw in the towel.
- Learn from mistakes--everyone makes them.
- Hope for the best, but also train and prepare for the worst--because you never really know.
Overall, I think the picture above says it well: It's better to sweat in training, than bleed in battle.
So listen to the General: sweat now--really work it and don't be afraid to push your limits--you'll be glad you did, when the time comes and it really counts. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Sweet Sweat, Bitter Blood
Hard Work,
Positive Impact,
Push The Limits,
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