(Credit Photo: Rebecca and Itzchak)
January 17, 2023
March 18, 2022
Delicious Purim Seudah
Because I don't eat gluten, my son-in-law made me eggs as the bun for the burgers!
Healthy, good-looking, and delicious eating.
Also, had some tasty spicy mayo to top it off.
Thank you for the beautiful, festive holiday meal. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Delicious Purim Seudah
January 1, 2022
A 2022 New Year of Eggs
But I wouldn't call it "eggcellent," because there is a lot of world instability and fear looming on the horizon.
Are we looking at competition, conflict, and even possible areas of collapse or a much rosier outcome in the order of things?
- From Russia to China and Iran to North Korea.
- From Al-Qaeda to ISIS and Hamas to Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad
- From WMD to Cyber 9/11 and EMPs to Hypersonic ICBMs
- From Covid to the Economy and Inflation to National Insolvency
Like a bunch of eggs.
Will it be a year of Broken, Scrambled and Mashed or Sunny Side Up and Eggs Over Easy?
Either way, we had better hope and pray that we don't get fried and burned. ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
A 2022 New Year of Eggs
May 27, 2021
Nice Peacock Vase
Reminds me of a peacocks feathers.
Not sure who would pay $60,000 for this though.
Does it lay eggs? ;-)
(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
Nice Peacock Vase
December 12, 2019
That's Eggcellent!
August 23, 2018
Shakshuka Feast
This was topped off with Israeli salad, hot bread, and fresh tihini sauce.
To drink was some rich and foamy Israeli beer, wine, and soft drinks.
A Moroccan feast fit for a king!
It was lovely to see how the kids have grown and are able to frankly outdo their parents (-in-laws) on cooking up a real "delicious" storm. ;-)
(Source Photo--which doesn't even do it justice--Andy Blumenthal)
Shakshuka Feast
March 27, 2018
The Good Eggs
What is the most important is being around good, decent people.
I've always heard that your relationships are most important.
But it's not just relationships, it's also who you are relating to.
There are good eggs, and there are not such good eggs.
Don't get fooled by what's on the eggshell--that is certainly no yolk.
Most of eggs know who and what they are.
Some eggs like to scramble the others.
Some eggs like to poach on the others.
Some eggs like to crack the others' shells.
But then there are other eggs that like it over easy with the other eggs.
They all want to get the meal cooked and have it tasty and nutritious, but some eggs just don't know how to treat others eggs with decency, respect, and integrity.
It's best to be around those eggcelent eggs, and that is where the best happens and the good eggs gravitate to.
Be careful what eggs you associate with, because there is nothing that smells worse than a rotten egg. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
The Good Eggs
July 25, 2012
2 Eggs Are Better Than One
Two eggs here, as you can see, are two friends--in it together, working together, putting their heads together, sharing life together.
My father always told me that with that special someone the joys in life are twice the joy, and the sorrow in life is half the sorry--he is a smart man!
When it comes to friendships though, I have learned there are many types of friends and we have different names or references for them:
- Childhood friends--"We go way back."
- Best friends forever--or BFF; often you'll see this on bracelet charms, necklaces, or even t-shirts--this is reserved for your closest buds.
- High school sweethearts--"first comes friends, then comes marriage, and then comes a baby in the baby carriage."
- Confidant friend(s)--these are people we feel we can talk to, connect with, and trust with our personal and emotional secrets. Ummm, don't tell, but...
- Neighbor friends--you live near or next to each other, so might as well bring over some welcome muffins or borrow some sugar--then again, "tall fences, make good neighbors."
- Casual friends--these are friends you keep in touch with "every so often" and share some laughs or have a "cold one" with.
- On again off again friends--people you are friends with one minute and alienated from the next--often an endless cycle--you like somethings about the person and other things drive you mad!
- Work friends --these are associates that you work with day in and out--40, 50, 60 hours a week or more--and who you share work experiences, challenges, projects, and sometimes frustrations with--and don't forget "happy hour".
- Friends with benefits--this is a naughty friendship and is what it sounds like--at your own foolhardy risk!
- Marriage partner and best friends--the most fortunate people are those who find their "beshert"--the one true one that they are destined to be with--and who is not only their life partner, but their soulmate and best friend.
Good luck finding and keeping your friends of all types--these are precious and make life worth living.
(Source Photo: Meme shared with me)
2 Eggs Are Better Than One