They had packages of styrofoam wrapped in cellophane with what looked like meat from the supermarket.
However in the packages, they had these disturbing plastic molds of human organs priced by the pound.
Pictured here is one labeled with a human kidney selling for $1,100.
They also had others hanging from the wall for human lungs and liver.
Considering there are a lot of sick people out there in needs of transplants, I did not think this "art" was in the best of taste.
Also, with many who traffic in human organs and take advantage of those in poverty or otherwise at risk for selling on the black market, these pieces were more than a little troubling.
Perhaps, there are some who just think of human as just another type of planetary animal whose body parts are another form of meat that can be put up for sale or taken by force to make a profit.
The only thing is they are forgetting that humans have a soul and that can't be sold in the supermarket or black market except to the devil and there is no art in that. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)