Requirements management is critical to developing enterprise architecture. Without identifying, understanding, and rationalizing the organization’s requirements, no meaningful enterprise architecture planning can occur.
“The purpose of Requirements management is to manage the requirements of a project and to identify inconsistencies between those requirements and the project's plans and work products. Requirements management practices include change management and traceability.”
Traceability is the identification of all requirements back to the originator, whether it be a person, group, or legal requirement, or mandate. Traceability is important to ensure alignment of end products with the origination of the requirements, prioritization of requirements, and determining requirements’ value to specific users. Traceability should ensure that requirements align to the organization’s mission (intended purpose) and its strategic plan. (Wikipedia)
How is requirements management done?
- Stakeholders—identify program/project stakeholders.
- Requirements—capture, validate and prioritize stakeholder requirements.
- Capabilities—analyze alternatives and plan for capabilities to fulfill requirements.
- Resources—ascertain resource needs for capability development
- Activities—perform activities to develop the capabilities to meet the requirements.
- Measures—establish measures to demonstrate requirements have been met.
How does EA bridge requirements and capabilities?
Enterprise architecture captures strategic requirements—high-level mandates or needs. It uses this to establish an integrated set of functional requirements areas or cross-cutting categories of requirements. These drive strategic capability development to meet mission needs and achieve results of operation. Strategic capabilities are reflected in the enterprise architecture in the target and transition plan. This is used to evaluate proposed new IT projects, products, and standards to ensure that they align to and comply with the EA.
EA is the glue that binds sound IT investment decision making to strategic requirements and technical alignment.

Requirements Management and Enterprise Architecture