My mom passed away from Parkinson's Disease almost 2 1/2 years ago, and I miss her and my dad every single day (more than I can say or even come to terms with)!
I see lots of gifts being bought and given today to the mothers of this world, especially flowers, chocolates, and cards.
But what would be the best gift we could give all our collective mothers?
That is simple...EQUALITY.
Whether it's the glass ceiling that keeps women underemployed, left out of certain professions altogether, underrepresented in management and the executive suite, and paid 79 cents on the dollar for what men's not fair and it's wrong!
Women can do what men do as good and sometimes better, and generally they complement men in the workplace and make us more productive, more innovative, more balanced.
Diversity in thinking brings us better decision-making and more success in business and in government,
Like in the photo, women can be architects or enterprise architects--they can also be vice president or president.
Women should NOT have to endure any type of domestic violence or sexual abuse or discrimination...for G-d's sake, we are enlightened!
Forget the flowers this Mother's Day and give your mom a present that she will really love and cherish...a promise and commitment of respect and equality for women today and every day of the year. ;-)
(Source Photo: WSJ by Andy Blumenthal)