1) you are a dissident living in a country that suppresses basic human rights
2) you are a person seeking to help others suffering under authoritarian regimes
consider signing up at Movements.org, an organization that connects people in need of human rights help with those wanting to provide assistance.
After you create a profile, which is given a star rating depending on a vetting process, you can post requests for help or offers of services to help others.
Available services for "advice, contacts, training, and services," include those from:
- Lawyers
- Journalists
- Technologists
- Translators
- Policy Makers
The great Soviet Jewish dissident, Natan Sharansky, who spent 10 years imprisoned in a tortuous gulag, wrote in the Wall Street Journal that Movement.org is a "transformative approach to an old problem" for collecting and trying to get information on human-rights abuses to reach the free world and to seek justice and freedom.
While dictators looks to suppress freedom of speech and information flow, social media is combating it, and Movements was provided a grant from Google, I believe, to do just that. ;-)