I'm sitting toward the front of the plane...more room, that's good.
But there are a bunch of families with small children and babies...and that ends up being bad.
The flight attendants bring out this contraption to hook up a crib device to a front wall of the plane for the parents to put the baby in to sleep.
But there ends up being one small problem.
The overhead lights are seriously messed up.
This passenger with the baby tries to use his button next to his seat to turn the bright reading lights off--this is like row 10 or something.
But when he hits the lights off button--instead the lights go off in row 22.
And they stay on in his row keeping his baby awake and crying virtually the whole flight.
The stewardesses are going crazy trying to figure out where the "wires got crossed" here.
When they go to row 22 and ask them to turn off their lights--thinking maybe that will turn off the lights in row 10 that is keeping the baby up and crying--but instead that turns off the lights further in the back of the plane in row 30-something.
This was a really bad comedy going on this plane.
The baby keeps crying and crying.
The stewardesses keep running around trying to figure out how to get the lights working where they are supposed to be working.
And the parents are frustrated as hell trying to calm the baby and get some rest on this lengthy, cross-ocean flight.
Needless-to-say, all the other passengers trying to get some rest weren't thrilled at this ridiculousness going on.
The plane got us home, but the electrical system didn't inspire any confidence and kept the baby (and us) up almost the entire flight.
When you think that this was just the lights--oh boy!
Because what if the wires had gotten crossed between something important like the accelerator and the brake instead? ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)