Showing posts with label Waiting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Waiting. Show all posts

June 28, 2024

D.C. Metro

(Credit Photo: Minna Blumenthal)


December 6, 2023

Ladies In Waiting

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


December 25, 2022

Kosher Attire on Christmas

Hanging out by Holy Chow. 

The line for kosher Chinese food was a 6 hour wait on Christmas!

I didn't get any Chinese food, but did snap this photo of this guy in the hat.  ;-)

Happy Holidays everyone!  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 16, 2022

Thanksgiving Ice Cream Cake

Wait three (or six) hours after the turkey.

And then you can eat the ice cream cake. 

Now it's all kosher!

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


December 1, 2021

Sleeping or Dead?

Is this person sleeping or dead in the airport?

The flight isn't even delayed!  

It's like 9 or 10 in the morning. 

These days everything goes. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


June 29, 2021

Light It Up!

I thought this was a great message on self-reliance.

As they say, take the bull by the horns. 

Stop waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel, and light it up yourself. 

You have to do you part and G-d will do His! 

(Source Photo: A Friend)


July 23, 2017

REI Stupid Coupons

REI had a special online. 

You order $100 or more of stuff, and you get a $20 "member bonus" card. 

That sounded good, so I placed an order. 

So I get a message that I'll have the bonus card within 48 hours or I should check my spam folder. 

Not sure what should take 48 hours, but I end up getting the email with the $20 code the same day. 

Thinking I'd go and get something for the freebie, I head to the store today and find something perfectly for $20!

Wow--that's cool.

I wait on this long line with my wife...and we're checking out this new popcorn on the line called Halfpops, which looks like Half Poop, and what's the other half?  

After having lousy experiences with these B.S. coupons in the past, we are joking back and forth how there is less than a 50% chance that the coupon actually works today and we end up walking out with the product.

Sure enough, we get to the register and the cashier says, 

"Sorry. The coupon is not good for another 2 weeks!"

Bingo.  Well why they heck did you send me the coupon now and not make it good for another 2 weeks--why waste everyone's time here?

Also, what difference is it to REI to make me wait 2 weeks to use the member reward--I'm in the store now, so if they want to cross-sell me some stuff what difference does another couple of weeks make. 

You'd think the customer service at REI would say, "we apologize for the inconvenience" and process it now to make it a positive experience, but instead they actually told me to come back in 2 weeks and start all over AGAIN. 

Gee, thanks REI for the member bonus've really done so well with customer service for your members, NOT!  

I think REI is blinded by stupid policies and corporate bullsh*t so that they cannot take care of their customers and do what makes common sense. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

November 28, 2014

Micromanaging Your Customers

Standing in line at the store the other day, I've got to to say that I sort of really resented this ridiculous check out line.

We are not in kindergarten and do not need little footsies and signs to tell us where to stand, how far apart, and who is up next in the line.

Actually, it's really not all that complicated--we can figure out to lineup in front of the counter and wait our turn civilly.

Micromanaging your customers (or for that matter your employees) is a pretty stupid idea.

Get your own house in order--and do a good job servicing the people that are paying you (or working to make you a success).

How about you take your little feet over behind the counter and get the line moving that much faster and stop making us wait so long to begin with to give you our business.

Happy Black Friday...loosen the reins a little won't you and you'll find a happier customer (and employee) base and make some more money in the process. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

June 12, 2013

The Money Pit

So I'm visiting this absolutely delectable Italian bakery in fancy-schmancy Las Olas.

The Sicilian pizza by the way is amazing.

We are there for a while enjoying the food, conversation, and ambiance. 

My wife offers to take a picture of me in this great place. 

The lady behind the counter is so nice and let's me join her behind the counter for a moment.

In comes an obviously wealthy customer and as he sees me going to take a quick photo, he makes a big "Hmmmmm!"

The lady graciously says "Just one moment sir."

And irritably waiting for just this brief moment, he blurts out, "I'm the customer and my money comes first!"

When he said this, another lady in line made a huge shocked face--as did we all.

It is incredible how some people's money goes to their head and they don't realize it all comes from G-d and can just as quickly be taken away.

Wealth, health, our loved ones, and happiness--they are ephemeral and we should be ever grateful for them for as long as we have them.

Being arrogant and thinking we are better than the next guy--that we are somehow more deserving or above it all--is a huge fallacy and G-d sees all. 

Maybe this rich guy's money comes first to him, but I imagined the Master Of The Universe hearing these words and having the last eternal laugh. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

November 6, 2012

Here's To Tomorrow

I was trying to get this photo of the beautiful sunset.

Instead, I ended up getting this wierd juxtaposition with this guy on the train.

And he is is looking like it's been kind of a rough day.

Election is almost over...who won? 

The sun will rise tomorrow and people will be looking more settled knowing the indecision and waiting--and election commercials--are over. 

Here is to tomorrow. ;-)