Nice, clean place...
Food is set out finely in metal trays over burners.
My wife says, "What a bargain!"
The problem is I can only eat vegetables, and it's all the heavy Indian type.
I am a good boy with the diet--NO carbs--and pass on the pastry fried samosas, the hot leavened nan, the thin stir-fried noodles, and even on the quality orange basmati rice.
What's left for me on my plate?
- Chick peas and sauce.
- Green peas and sauce.
- Eggplant and sauce.
- Creamy saucy spinach, just a tad.
- Sweet finely-chopped mushy carrot halava.
Each wasn't bad, but wait this isn't balanced--lots of mushy veggies in a superbly gross buttery way--all sort of just swooshing around without any substance food to soak it up.
I need a Starbucks or sugar Coke to wash this all down and away--not enough time though...
Oh G-d, I want to make a big Indian buffet puke (even technology can't save me from this)! ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)