Radical Islamist mows down pedestrians and bicycle riders in a bike lane along the West Side Highway.
- 8 innocent people dead.
- Another dozen wounded.
Now, the Mayor and pundits say, ah maybe we should've had barricades up there so someone with a darn truck couldn't do this.
And better double up on security for the Halloween parade tonight and NYC Marathon on Sunday.
Well, as they say:
"Better late than never!"
And so it is with our nation's borders.
As the President tries to erect a border wall and to restrict visas from countries that have not put in the necessary screening security, certain lawmakers and liberal judges keep blocking these actions.
They don't want to discriminate against anyone, which I agree is a noble cause.
However, as every news station was reporting again tonight, the terrorist in NY today was shouting in Arabic that G-d is great!
This was not an innocent vehicular accident.
There ARE people out there that want to kill us and inflict serious harm on our country.
To those people that continue to fight rational, reasonable security measures to protect our homeland and our citizens, I say to you:
You have blood on your hands!
And unfortunately, we can rest assured that our enemies are planning plenty more to come in their incessant attacks on the West (may G-d have mercy on us).
It is time for the people of this country to demand security...to insist on a border wall...to assert our right to restrict visas to those countries that won't ensure proper screening procedures.
How long will we wait--how much blood will be spilled--before we stop playing politics with national and homeland security! ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)