For the last 4 weeks now, we've had about
3,000 deaths a day from Coronavirus in the U.S., this number is eerily similar to the number of fatalities in the horrific terrorist attack on this country on 9/11.
Moreover, we have reached over 350,000 dead in less than a year, with the projection by April 1 to be 567,000 dead or another 217,000 gone in just the next 3 months!
Despite numerous pharmaceutical companies coming up with a Covid vaccine, the distribution here is being botched every day.
In December, we vaccinated less than 1% of the U.S. population with a first dose, despite having been promised that 20 million people would be vaccinated, while another country like Israel has vaccinated 12% of their population.
So while we are experiencing the equivalent in terms of deaths of another 9/11 just about every day now, our government and their partners are pathetically slow in reacting to save lives!
- The Federal government is punting to the state governments.
- The State governments are punting to the local governments.
- And the local governments are not sure what they are doing and there is inconsistency and conflicting, confusing guidelines in the system currently.
Recently, I contacted my local authorities and received a form email back that basically told me they still know virtually nothing:
"We are currently focused on the registration of vaccination sites, the distribution and administration of vaccines in Phase 1, storage and handling, and overall communications, including ensuring patient follow-up and second dose reminders. We expect additional updates on increased vaccine production in early 2021 from our federal partners. As we learn more from the federal government, we will adjust..."
I am appalled to see so many sick people and families and friends affected and people needlessly dying every minute of every day.
I am wondering why there is not more of an uproar and outrage from the people (even as a new more contagious variant is spreading) or is a 9/11 every day now an acceptable casualty count?
I can virtually guarantee you that if/when this is done, there are going to be how many lawsuits, investigations, and commissions looking into how this got so mishandled and resulted in so much suffering and loss of life.
(Credit Photo: Pixabay)

It's 9/11 Every Day in The U.S.