The Shuk (Marketplace) in Jerusalem is one of the most exciting and affordable shopping experiences.
Vendor after vendor.
Row after row.
Items stocked high for the taking and eating.
From the most delicious foods to Judaica items.
Fresh-baked breads and gooey chocolatey pastries.
Halvah and baklava!
Fruits and vegetables.
Spices, olives, figs, and dates.
Fish and meat.
Nuts, cheeses, and wines.
Candy, coffee, and slushes.
Hamburgers and falafel.
Virtually endless.
Dizzying in a good way from all the people and products.
Like the old times, but anew.
So much life and you never know what you'll find.
It's exciting in a way that big box Walmart will never be. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)