- 21 Murdered
- 184 Wounded (20 critically)
- 74 Stabbings
- 10 Shootings
- 11 Car Rammings
The murdered include Ezra Schwartz, an 18-year old American citizen from Massachusetts.
Despite the terrorism and the death of an American citizen along with so many other innocent Jews, the superpower country of the world is silent--not calling it reprehensible or deplorable or condemning it or demanding the terrorism stop immediately.
- Silence, despite about the murder of Jews and even its own U.S. citizen in Israel on November 19.
- Silence, yet signing nuke deals with "Axis Of Evil" Iran--the #1 state sponsor of terrorism (undiminished in 2015) and top abuser of human rights.
- Silence in the face of terror attacks against Jews elsewhere abroad, like the Jewish teacher stabbed and killed in Paris last week by three assailants shouting anti-Semitic insults?
- Silence through a "no-show" at the Solidarity Rally in Paris with 40 other heads of state in January to denounce the terror attack on Charlie Hebdo and on the Jewish grocery store that killed 17 innocent people.
- Continuing settlements for an expanding Israeli population who are surrounded by hostile neighbors that want to throw them into the Mediterranean Sea.
- For a peace deal with the Palestinians that didn't materialize without a peace parter that would recognize the Jews States' right to even exist.
- For Netanyahu's objection to the Iranian nuke deal that put's Israel in the crosshairs of a sprouting nuclear regime that threatens annihilation against it.
Regardless of why, it is abundantly clear that the killing of Jews in Israel and abroad is tacitly being given the green light to continue--and so it's an open field day for terror and murder of Jews!
Even the generally harsh critic of Israel, Amnesty International, has come out calling the terror against Israel "reprehensible and unjustified" and "a clear contempt for human life."
The appalling indifference to the murder of Jews by top administration officials, just 70-years after the Holocaust, is being heard loud and clear around the world.
- It is a sanctioning of terrorism and murder, period.
- It is reprehensible, period.
- It is cementing a legacy of blind hatred and blatant discrimination and anti-Semitism that will go down in history, period.
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)