Showing posts with label Military. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Military. Show all posts

September 8, 2024

On The Wings of Eagles

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "On The Wings of Eagles."

The importance of making Aliyah may seem counterintuitive given how anti-Zionist not only many Pro-Hamas supporters are, but also some diaspora and even Israeli Jews are. However, it is actually all the more reason for people who understand Israel's holiness and centrality to Jewish life, prayer, and tradition to make the leap. I think in the future, we will look back at this time and the immense pressure to abandon Israel, and we will recognize the strong souls who defied the mob.

(AI generated image via Designer)


August 25, 2024

A War of Attrition and We’re Losing

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "A War of Attrition and We're Losing."

Today marks the 33rd anniversary of Ukrainian independence from the Soviet Union. However, this milestone is tinged with melancholy, given Russia's occupation of over 20% of Ukraine and its ongoing efforts to expand its influence following the recent invasion on February 24, 2022.

The U.S.'s strategy is a war of attrition, using Ukraine to deplete Russia's military and economic strength. This strategy is reminiscent of the long Iran-Iraq War that wore down both countries. Russia's long game involves alliances with China, Iran, and terrorist proxies, as well as a campaign of divisive propaganda. The US needs to start playing chess rather than checkers to counter Russia's threats.

(AI generated image via Designer)


August 4, 2024

Israel Can Prevail Over Iran

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israel Can Prevail Over Iran."

Certainly, Iran is a large country and a formidable enemy, and together with its terrorist proxies (Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and the Houthis), have done some significant damage to Israeli society. Therefore, we are all poised on the precipice of escalating confrontation between the two parties.

Given Israel's incredible finesse at undermining and outmaneuvering its Iranian enemies, what is Iran going to do?

Some say that Iran is a crazy "irrational actor" and is bent on destroying Israel no matter what.

But thinking about this strategically, Iran is weaker than it appears and there are at least five reasons that it should restrain itself from any further escalation with Israel.

(AI generated image via Designer)


June 16, 2024

Israel's Allies Must Speak Out

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israel's Allies Must Speak Out."

It seems like the world has turned on Israel, but they are truly not alone, and good people from around the world stand with Israel despite the actions and rhetoric of the vile extremists that support terrorism.

Israel's allies rely on her to fight terror while they keep a "good face" on relations with the Arab community at large. But quiet support is no longer enough. Those who oppose terror must be bold.

(AI generated image via Designer) 


June 6, 2024

The Biggest Threat to Western Civilization

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The Biggest Threat to Western Civilization."

In short, radical jihadists are not only using everything from terrorism to the pursuit of nuclear weapons to achieve their goals of domination and a caliphate, but they are also employing a dangerous strategy of subterfuge and subversion of our democratic institutions and society. As long as we continue to focus almost exclusively on threats from China and Russia and attempt to downplay the significant danger of a radical terrorist caliphate, we ignore the "revolution," the ideology of martyrdom, and the pursuit of Jihad that is a threat to freedom and human rights not only to the people in their own countries but to those around the world.

(AI generated image via Designer)


June 5, 2024

Say Bye Bye to Lebanon

(Photo via Twitter)


February 4, 2024

It Comes Down to Leadership

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "It Comes Down to Leadership."

While surely all decent, patriotic American people want to see the United States continue as a beacon of freedom and leadership in the world, the problems this country is facing both internally and externally are wearing down our ability to cope with them. From our economy to our border and national security, from our universities to our urban centers, from radical wokeism to vile protests overcome with hate, racism, and violence, our nation is threatened perhaps like never before.

While there are many factors that contribute to our national success, certainly if we are going to be able to confront the challenges we face both at home and abroad, we must have strong and courageous leadership. Not only to unite us but also to evoke our very best, we need leadership that commands respect from both left and right, with a mighty and passionate vision that moves us not only to farseeing human progress but equally to moral righteousness. With this, we can instill pride in both who we are and where we are going and not be in fear of what’s threatening our streets or our shores anymore.

(AI generated Image via Craiyon)


January 27, 2024

How to Get The Hostages Out Alive

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "How to Get the Hostages Out Alive."

In my opinion, the only tactical way to rescue the hostages is to locate and map the tunnel they are hiding in and then gas them all to sleep. The gas would need to be carefully regulated so as not to alert the terrorists that it is being used and not to harm the hostages. The gas needs to be odorless and colorless (like nitrous oxide) to camouflage its use, and the Israeli commandos will need to be hairpin-ready to blow the blast doors and get in to rescue the hostages.

This alternative is far better than releasing 100 Palestinian prisoners (many “with blood on their hands”) for every 1 Israeli hostage like Hamas is demanding (or 10,000+ Palestinian prisoners), thereby creating the terror environment for yet another, and perhaps many, October 7-like attacks in the future that would put many more Israelis at risk. Unfortunately, this is what happened when Israel released Sinwar as part of the 1,000 for 1 deal in 2011 for Gilad Shalit, and look where it got us.

(AI generated image vis Craiyon)


January 14, 2024

Amazingly Beautiful Prayer for the IDF

Thank You to the IDF and to Hashem our Ultimate Protector!

Am Yisrael Chai!!!

(Credit: Prayer for the IDF- Netanel Hershtik & The Maccabeats featuring Lt. Gen Benny Gantz)


December 31, 2023

Preventing a Future October 7

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Preventing a Future October 7."

First and foremost, we need more and better capability to think outside the box and see things not only as they appear, but what's behind the curtain as well. War gaming, planning, modeling and simulation, and using artificial intelligence are just some of the tools at our disposal for breaking the paradigm and thinking about what's possible and even what's probable. Most importantly, we need a diversity of thinking to end the groupthink and mind-numbing stasis of seeing things only as we think they are and not as they really are or could be. Whether we employ think tanks and advisory boards; military and intelligence assets; strategic planners, futurists, and statisticians; technologists, scientists, and engineers; psychologists, sociologists, and anthropologists to get into the heads of our adversaries or the realm of the unthinkable, we must break down the barriers to novel thinking and creative solutions. Along with faith in the Almighty and a strong, technologically advanced, and well-trained IDF, this deep planning must become the bedrock of our security preparedness.
(AI Generated Image via Craiyon)


December 23, 2023

The Ticking Iran Time Bomb

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The Ticking Iran Time Bomb."

In the end, we're dealing with a serious and determined Iranian adversary, along with their network of regional terrorist groups. Let's hope and pray that we have the strategic foresight to fully comprehend the multifaceted threat posed by Iran, both internally and externally, and that we take decisive action to implement the educational, political, and military solutions to neutralize the most dangerous global threat we face.

(Credit Photo: Safwat Sayed via

December 1, 2023

A Dream of Global Crises and G-d’s Sovereignty


Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "A Dream of Global Crisis and G-d's Sovereignty."

The article discusses the challenges facing the world today, including terrorism, war, health issues, financial crises, environmental problems, and social inequality. Technology can help us to address these challenges, but we also need to rely on G-d for help. The article concludes with the message that we should not be afraid of the challenges facing the world but instead focus on doing what is right and being faithful to G-d.

(Source Photo via


November 18, 2023

Confronting Deep-Rooted Anti-Semitism of Present

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Confronting Deep-Rooted Anti-Semitism of Present."

As a very small minority in the world, Jews have forever been made the scapegoat and persecuted, whether in the Crusades, Inquisition, expulsions, pogroms, the Holocaust, terrorism, or war. As far back as Amalek, the Philistines, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Persians, the Greeks, the Romans, and more, Jews have never been granted long-lasting moments of peace. Perhaps that is one of the reasons we yearned for millennia to return to our homeland of Israel and why we so look forward to the coming of Mashiach so that we can once and for all achieve not only the universal acknowledgment of and worship of the One true G-d, but also a sincere and enduring peace for our people and the world.

The fight for Jewish survival is far from over. Yes, with Israel and the brave young men and women of the IDF, we are stronger now than we ever have been. However, the hate and violence we face are unbridled and unabashed, and given the chance, we have seen what our enemies will do to us. In response, we need to raise our heads high and fight the good fight regardless of what anyone else has to say. G-d will be our judge even as the anti-Semites condemn us either way.

(AI Generated Photo via

November 12, 2023

Wrapped Up In Jewish Pride

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Wrapped Up in Jewish Pride."

While the greedy and corrupt Palestinian leadership gets rich pocketing the West's endless "humanitarian aid," they keep the Palestinian people impoverished and helpless on a system of generational aid and in the squalor of refugee camps. During the chaos and disruption of World War II, with close to a hundred million victims, displaced persons, and refugees, the entire world—including the Jewish people who had six million murdered—went on and managed to rebuild their lives and contribute something back to the world. Except for the lone Palestinians, who have stayed frozen in time and dependence. Further, as they reject peace and call for the destruction of Israel and the endless killing of innocents, they continue to breed not only their despondency but, worse, a bottomless hatred and murderous evil in their hearts and minds.

We all need to hope and pray that Israel is successful in fighting Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad because rest assured that they are waiting not just in marches and protests in our capitals and invasions across our borders but are ready to rampage and murder "the infidels" whenever and wherever they can. In the end, if you look aside in silence and acquiescence now, no one will end up safe in a radial Islamic world that puts its faith in and inculcates ongoing hate, intifada, and Jihad.

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 4, 2023

Smoke Them Out

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Smoke Them Out."

The Gaza tunnels are one of the greatest obstacles to the IDF in destroying Hamas and rescuing the hostages. Given that Hamas will never voluntarily release "the ace" they are holding with the hostages, Israel has the unenviable task of not only "smoking out" and dealing with the terrorists but also simultaneously rescuing the hostages. This seems like a near "mission impossible," but with the right "smoke" and the ingenuity and bravery of the IDF, along with G-d's guiding hand, there is still hope.

(Credit Photo: Zachary DeBottis via

October 29, 2023

Israel's Precise Strategy Against Hamas

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israel's Precise Strategy Against Hamas."

As always, Israel is facing long odds, attacked not only by Hamas in the south, Hezbollah in the north, and terrorists in the West Bank but also potentially by the combined arms of hostile Arab nations such as Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and, of course, the arch-terrorist Iran, which is seeking nuclear weapons and threatening to destroy Israel. Despite all of this, and while we are still only at the beginning of this latest battle with evil, it is clear that once Israel overcame the initial shock and horror of the Hamas attack, the response from Israel has been nothing short of brilliantly planned and flawlessly executed.

Without a doubt, this will be a long and difficult war, and it is far from won. There are so many families grieving for those who have been lost, and hopefully, there will be no more. Moreover, the hostages are suffering and must be brought quickly home. No matter how precise our planning and how good our execution are, ultimately, we must pray to Hashem to help us overcome our enemies and suffering, grant us a complete victory, and speedily bring us peace.
(Credit Photo: Anastasia Petrova via


October 22, 2023

Prelude to World War III

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Prelude to World War III."

We have never come closer to World War 3. Amidst the most evil and brutal bloodbath by Hamas of 1,400 Israelis and another 200+ taken hostage into Gaza, Israel is entering its biggest and most difficult war since the surprise attack of the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Further, northern Israel is ready to explode, with Hezbollah terrorists ready to infiltrate and 150,000 rockets poised to fly into Israel's population centers and critical infrastructure.

As the terrorists, anarchists, and some on the alt-left march and overturn our cities to outbursts of "Allah Akbar," "Intifada," and "Jihad" amidst the burning of and spitting on Israeli and U.S. flags, the biased media, looking for their next splash headline, thrills to falsely blame Israel for the Gaza hospital bombing. Similarly, despite the Palestinians' repeated refusal to accept generous offers of peace, the media continues to report on Israel's "occupation" and "apartheid," including in Gaza, where Israel unilaterally withdrew more than 18 years ago and in return has suffered relentless Hamas missile barrages, attack tunnels, abductions, and sadistic killings.

The world is on the moral and murderous brink, and there are weapons of mass destruction to make it happen deadly fast. One spark can ignite the whole colossal, flammable mess, and with it, the doomsday we all fear but suspect could be coming soon. Let us hope and pray that this is the prelude not to World War III, but rather to the coming of Mashiach.

(Credit Photo: Geralt via


October 8, 2023

Hamas Started It, but Israel Must Finish It

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Hamas Started It, but Israel Must Finish It."

We can no longer go back to business as usual! The usual must be upended, and Gaza must be militarily conquered, period. All the Israeli hostages need to be found and brought home, even if it means excruciating house-to-house searches and street-by-street battles; it is better to fight it out once and for all in Gaza than endlessly in the cities of Israel. Finally, Gaza's military and terrorist apparatus must be completely eradicated. The strip must be divided, secured, and demilitarized permanently.

This attack by Hamas is just a small prelude to what is to come with Iran and its terrorist proxies. If we don't want to see mushroom clouds rising over the Middle East and Europe, Israel and the United States must once and for all deal definitively with Iran's nuclear and terrorist capability—no more ifs, ands, or buts.

None of us wants to see any more bloodshed pouring forth on Israeli streets and fields, children abducted, women brutally raped, men held captive and tortured, and the Holy Land scorched by missiles and flames. There should never any more be the illusion of "land for peace" or of a two-state solution when what they want is to drive the Jews into the sea! Astute political engagement has its place in dealmaking and genuine peace-making, but now is the time for skilled military strategy, engagement, and the resounding defeat of our enemies.

(Source Photo: Hananya Naftali via Telegram:


August 27, 2023

10 War Strategies for Peace

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "10 War Strategies for Peace."

Of course, we may not win every battle, but we need to make sure that we win the war. Strategy and tactics, along with plenty of investment, planning, technology, training, and execution, are the way to win. 

Ultimately, peace is the goal, but to get there, we must be ever vigilant, smart, and strong, and maintain our faith in the Almighty.

(Photo via


August 13, 2023

Not By Strength Alone

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Not By Strength Alone."

For Israelis and Jews around the world, success includes being powerful enough to defend ourselves from no longer being every demagogue and dictator's scapegoat, but much more than that, it means that we become a true "light unto nations." We want to be a democracy anchored in freedom and human rights. We also want to be a "Jewish State" (it's the only one in the world!) that is a haven for every Jew to come home to and that is culturally and religiously Jewish (but not a Jewish dictatorship). Israel will not survive by strength alone but rather by the spirit of Hashem (Zechariah 4:6). And so our values are to follow in G-d's path and do good in the world, fix what's broken, and make it a better place, and that includes, as the prophet Isaiah said, "beating their swords into plowshares." Moreover, we understand that G-d is not only the creator but also the perpetual master of the universe, and it is He who decides whether Israel behaves righteously and ultimately whether she will merit to stand for the duration this time and, hopefully, the final time.

(Photo: Alexi Rosenfeld, IDF/Creative Commons via