- The precious time we have with our loved ones
- Selflessly caring for and giving to others
- Living faithful, holy lives in the eyes of the Almighty
(Source Photo: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/room-money-dollar-wealth-success-1288438/)
Jealous Over Nothing
Four Types of Desire
There was an exciting competition and a prize at the end.
Everyone prepared and worked hard to win it.
But when the competition was over, what was the prize?
The 2nd place was two weeks in Philadelphia.
The 1st place was one week in Philadelphia.
You Ended Up In Hell City
But yet, if everyone would just act out on each other based on their unbridled wants and desires, oy vey what a truly terrible world that would be...From uncontrolled desires for food, drugs, alcohol, gambling, honor, money, power, sex, and more–it seems like everyone has their little secret fetish. Whether it's coming from their head, their heart, or down below...the key questions is how much can they control themselves.
Choosing Good Over Vice
Thou Shalt Not
Satisfied and Bless G-d
"Globs of Fat: This glob represents the look and feel of 5 pounds of body fat."
Globs of Fat
Can You Have Too Much Money?
Fruit Juice Want Some
The Happiness Meter
Divine Light and The Soul Of Man
Getting To Know You
Accomplishing What?