So many faces, so much phoniness.
Why can't we just deal with genuine people?
Not like the dummies in this picture.
Everyone seems to put on a face.
One person comes in the room, puts on a big smile and then drops it like you do your pants in the bathroom (excuse the comparison).
But it's just so wax!
Another person is talking it up, but you can see just under the thin veneer, they are a boiling powder keg ready to go off.
Faces are for expression--to feel and to share.
However, they are used to deceive and fool the world around them.
Is it a face or a mask.
What's behind it--good or evil?
If you don't look past the superficial then you are the real dummy. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

Good Face, Ugly Mask
Took a photo from this children's book that someone left in the kosher Chinese restaurant--and it was sort of priceless.
There is a drawing of a ventriloquist with his puppet.
And it says, "All my friends are dummies,"
Often, it's tempting to think that we're so smart and "we're all that", but everyone else is just a dummy.
But we need to remember that in a way, really we're all just a bunch of dummies--now you didn't think I was going to say that, did you?
We are human, frail, mortal...and no one knows everything (hey, not even close).
My father used to joke saying, "I know nothing, and I can prove it!"
The truth is that all we really know is what G-d wants us to know; we say, what G-d permits our tongues to speak, and ultimately, we do, what G-d commands of us--there is no escaping it.
In the big picture, we are but puppets and dummies in the hands of the omniscient creator.
For those with mega size egos (and usually nasty to match)...what G-d gives, he can easily take away, so don't be a real dummy. ;-)
(Source Photo: The Blumenthals)

A Bunch Of Dummies