Showing posts with label Anarchists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anarchists. Show all posts

March 20, 2024

If Intifada had a Wine


July 17, 2020

Homemade Self-Defense

With efforts by the radical alt-left progressives to defund and dismantle police...

This is what the future for protection of innocents in this country looks like?

If you take away legitimate police and their efforts to protect citizens then this will force people to buy, build, and use even more weapons in their own self-defense.

Anarchy, chaos, lawlessness, and the wild west will be sure to take over as the new normal. 

We don't need more out of control gunslingers, gangs, and vigilantism battling for our streets. 

Reform the police, protect the innocent people, and put the bad guys away. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

February 3, 2017

The Divided States Of America

So the way the alt-left are fighting it out with President Trump...with violent protests, riots, marches, insults, beatings, fires, broken windows, and sheer contempt,  you'd think we were in a third world country under a brutal dictator, or worse.  

Gone is the respect, decency, compromise, and diplomacy among valid differences of opinion and points of view. 

Talking it out and working it out...forget about it. 

Aside from taking up arms, it's almost like this country is in a second civil war

The United States has become the divided states. 

Hitler, Nazis, Stalin, Commies!

California wants to secede (like Texas wanted to previously). 

Lawsuits against the President.

Screams, posters and groups of "Not my President."

Celebrities threatening to pack up and leave the country. 

Refusals to carry out the laws of the land. 

People joining the resistance and underground. 

Secret communications in agencies

Plotting and threats for a military overthrow of the Presidency

Calls for blowing up the White House.

Tweets calling for assassination and pics posted of what it would look like. 

Yet there are no death camps, no razor sharp wire, no attack dogs ripping the flesh off people, no forced labor, no death marches, no brutal beatings, no starvation of prisoners, no poison gas showers, no crematoria, no firing squads, no mass graves, no gruesome experiments on twins, no vicious assaults, no sexual abuse and rapes, no Star of David patches to be worn, no threats to exterminate. 

While of course, we need to ensure "Never Again" for all of us-- even the slightest inkling of it--is there really a bona-fide "again" or "inkling" here in the first place? 

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

November 2, 2016

Anarchy Sensing Opportunity

So this is what they are reading in Washington, D.C. now:

"To Change Everything...An Anarchists Appeal"

Anarchists and Anonymous are no longer underground, but are coming up and above it. 

Legions of people looking not to change the system, but to violently overthrow it. 

According to the anarchists' video propaganda:

"The more stable our structures, the less stable our lives...No piecemeal reform can fix this, we have to rethink everything to fix this."

They are advocating the power of the masses to overthrow ALL authority!

"The only way to secure the things we care about is to build a leaderless mutual aid network capable of self abolish domination all together...not to stabilize the system by reforming it. Rather than calling for more legitimate rules and rules...set our own agenda on our own terms...develop the power to act autonomously."

Unfortunately, with the extremely low ratings and low trust of the government, people are turning to anarchy instead:

"To change everything. Start everywhere."

The fearsome hacker group Anonymous's tag line is:

"We are a legion.  We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us."

So, while left and right are fighting and denigrating each other, the political system, and our institutions, and gridlock--rather than effective governance and progress--is the dominant force in DC, a frightening vacuum is opening up to those who seek chaos and mayhem.

Stupid, stupid, stupid!

Everyone is so busy fighting for a larger slice of the pie for themselves, that we are putting the entire societal pizza in danger of landing flat. 

It's not just Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and ISIS taking advantage of the selfish and greedy aspirations of politicians and special interests in our society.

Those individuals and groups--internally--that distrust and dislike what they perceive as "Big Brother," and the arbitrary and abuse of authority, for power and money's sake, are sensing their chance to agitate, disrupt and overthrow the civilized society we depend on. 

Apocalypse is not just World War III, weapons of mass destruction, and earth-shattering disaster, but it can be the disaffected masses that decide there is no reforming the system, only overthrowing it and taking their chance at chaos, rather than continue to live with corruption. 

And if this is what people are reading in the Capital of the United States of America...if you are not afraid of this awful mess, you most certainly ought to be. ;-)

(Source photo: Andy Blumenthal)

August 17, 2013

The Keys To Good Government

Peggy Noonan hit it right on the head in today's Wall Street Journal.

The fear of giving up privacy, she said, is of a "massive surveillance state," and this is not overblown. 

The crux of this concern is that if Government (or I would add hackers) can intrude on citizen's private communications and thoughts, then eventually people will self-censor. 

No privacy does mean government control.

As Noonan makes clear, violations of citizen privacy is not just a threat to the Fourth Amendment protecting against unreasonable search and seizure, but is a bona fide danger as well to the First Amendment guaranteeing free speech. 

People should not be afraid to think critically and creatively because of what the government may do to them (and their families) for disagreeing with fraud, waste, abuse, special interests, and stupidity.

Rather, politicians should fear being criticized and not re-elected for violating the duty to rule justly and as true representatives of the people. 

However, when government and politicians can listen in, see, and know what the lawful opposition in thinking and doing, then they are given virtually absolute power.

And absolute power does corrupt absolutely.  

We should not change our underlying values of freedom and become a nation of routine digital interrogation of everyday John Doe's.

Terrorists, traitors, anarchists, and hostile nation states should be pursued and given no rest or privacy from our intelligence, law enforcement, and warfighters. 

But well-meaning citizens should be free to think, feel, and say what they believe in the best interest of the country. 

Upright citizen's should never have to fear an unjust government, but rather corrupt politicians should be concerned about violating the fundamental rights of the people. 

At least two keys to good government are privacy and free speech. ;-)

(Source Photo: here with attribution to Empirical Perception)