This comes to the point of the whole matter, which is how do you fight an adversary that just doesn't give a [you know what]?
If one side is arguing what's right based on international laws, mores, and the ethics of human rights and freedom, how does that stack up with an adversary that disseminates misinformation [oh, are those our troops on the ground?] and thumbs their nose at the world to get what they want?
Maybe fighting fair is wonderful from a legal standpoint, but it sure looks challenging on the ground.
Putin is daring anyone to do anything...heck, he's got thermonuclear ICBMs and a veto at the U.N. Security Council.
BTW, if a security council member is the one doing something wrong, why in those matters, do they still get a veto???
Anyway, this is a very dangerous game of cat and mouse, and if everyone fought this way, the doomsday clock would be ticking very close to midnight, indeed.
Many times in history, a Goliath has swung a big ugly sword, but even a David--and we are not a David, but a world superpower--came to the fight with a sligshot and still won.
Notice though, David still came to the fight!
We can win by doing the right thing, but we cannot run away, because as Hitler showed us--appeasement does not work!
Give a finger and next goes the hand, arm, and torso.
Now already are reports that Putin is threatening to derail the P5+1 negotiations with Iran as well.
Yesterday, I read in Businessweek about overspending, that it's better to get a haircut now, than have a beheading later.
Perhaps, this applies to national security matters as well?
We can't be the policeman/woman of the world, but Snowden is snug in "Mother Russia" and now so is Crimea.
(Source Photo: here)