Showing posts with label Conclusion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conclusion. Show all posts

July 27, 2017

When You Need To BLUF

Most professional (and even personal) communications should start with...

BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front).

This means that you start with the ending--in mind, on paper, verbally, and in digital format. 

You provide the conclusion and/or recommendations right up front.

Rather than first wadding through all the details--context, analysis, considerations, assumptions, risks, etc. 

Let the reader know right away what it is you want. 

Generally, this is different than an abstract or summary that provides a synopsis and leading evidence for the argument put forward. 

Tell me what I need to know and get right to the point! ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

February 23, 2013

Analyzing The Law

So I am back in school AGAIN (I'm a life-long learner), augmenting my not so slow-paced job.

Let's just say that at this point, I recognize that the more I know, the more I don't know anything. 

The class that I am taking now is Cyberlaw, and while I did take law in business school--many moons ago--that was more focused on contracts and business organizations. 

This class looks interesting from the perspective of the legal and regulatory structure to deal with and fight cybercrime, -terrorism, and -war.

One interesting thing that I already learned was a technique for evaluating legal cases called IRAC, which stands for:

- Issues--the underlying legal matters that the case is addressing.

- Rules--what legal precedents can be applied.

- Analysis--whether those rules apply or not, in this case.

- Conclusion--rendering an opinion on the case.

This is a structured way to analyze any legal case. 

Of course, before you do these, you have to look at the facts--so that is the very first section. 

The problem with that is then you have F-IRAC and that can definitely be taken the wrong way. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)
