You can be a positive Peter or a negative Nellie.
Your choice--or disposition, perhaps.
Last week one day when the weather was bad out and I was entering the indoor pool for my laps, someone said to me, "The worse it is out there, the better it is in here."
And he was right, you can complain about the weather or whatever, but you can appreciate having great indoor facilities or just a roof over your head.
If you look up, you can be inspired to reach for the next rung, and if you look down you can be grateful for how far you've already made it.
Also, however bad off you might be, there are always others who are worse off.
As a kid, I remember hearing about the person who was missing a hand and feeling bad about themselves, until they meet someone who was missing both arms.
I do recall in actuality riding the NYC subways and poor people would come through the end doors between the cars (not allowed on the DC Metro) to go begging from money through the train--the unbelievable thing was that they were just a stump of a body from the waste up (no lower body whatsoever!) getting around by sliding themselves on a skateboard inches of the ground--can you imagine that? father used to say, "Smile and the whole world smiles with you."
Sometimes just the motion (even if it's just an act) of putting on that happy face can actually transform you to being happier.
No, not a placebo effect, but like the Jewish notion that from doing can actually come the feeling.
In other words, just try--there is so much to be positive about and thankful for--not just on Thanksgiving--coming up next week--but all year round.
Life is a journey full of learning and growing--not a destination. ;-)
(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)