However, many vendors have gone out of control with versioning.
1) Incompatibility--It isn't backward compatible, so if you try to work with an older version file/data, you may be sh*t of out of luck getting it to work.
2) Alphabet-Numerical Soup--We have so many versions of the same/similar thing, we can make your head spin with buyer envy.
3) Functionally Indistinct--Version changes are so minute or insignificant that there is virtually no difference to the end-user, but you'll love it anyway.
4) Long And Meaningless--Some versions just seem to go on and on into the version, let's compare that to the new version of the week of, and don't forget the 2.10.4 will be a completely different platform, so you better remember to order the right one.
5) Upgrade Pathless--You want to be on the current version, well your version is so legacy and ancient, there's no (easy) upgrade path--you have to install 26 patches, hot fixes, and 9 new versions and then you'll be on the right one!
6) Maintaining Multiple Versions--You'll need to maintain multiple versions of the same product, because your data on the older version can't be migrated to the new one. Can anyone say multiple maintenance fees?
7) Out Of Support--Your older version that you spent a lot of money on is no longer current and is now out of support--so scr*w you unless you pay us again for the next money maker version.
If you want to kill your brand and possibly your customers' sanity, keep on going mindless version crazy. ;-)
(Source Graphic: Andy Blumenthal)