One of the Buddhist teachings is that there are 3 poisons in this world: greed, anger, and ignorance.
But that by turning these poisons around into generosity, compassion, and wisdom, we can create life-healing.
While this is sort of simplistic, it does point to a number of important things:
1) We can have an impact on our destiny. We can choose our direction and work towards something that is good or we can fall harmfully into some bad and destructive ways.
2) Everything has an antidote. While we may not know the antidote at the time, generally everything has its corollary or opposite and we can find healing by moving towards that.
3) The answers in life are not so far away. How much of a stretch is it to turned a clenched fist into an open hand or to quench ignorance with learning--these things are doable.
If we look at people and events at face value, it is easy as times to get angry and feel hatred at the corruption and injustices out there--but I believe, the key is to channel those feeling into something positive--into change and Tikkun Olam--"fixing the world".
By channeling our feelings into constructive actions, then we are changing not just ourselves, but can have a broader influence--one deed at a time.
(Source Graphic: Andy Blumenthal)
But that by turning these poisons around into generosity, compassion, and wisdom, we can create life-healing.
While this is sort of simplistic, it does point to a number of important things:
1) We can have an impact on our destiny. We can choose our direction and work towards something that is good or we can fall harmfully into some bad and destructive ways.
2) Everything has an antidote. While we may not know the antidote at the time, generally everything has its corollary or opposite and we can find healing by moving towards that.
3) The answers in life are not so far away. How much of a stretch is it to turned a clenched fist into an open hand or to quench ignorance with learning--these things are doable.
If we look at people and events at face value, it is easy as times to get angry and feel hatred at the corruption and injustices out there--but I believe, the key is to channel those feeling into something positive--into change and Tikkun Olam--"fixing the world".
By channeling our feelings into constructive actions, then we are changing not just ourselves, but can have a broader influence--one deed at a time.
(Source Graphic: Andy Blumenthal)