600 Holocaust Survivors and their descendants sing "Chai" (Life) by Ofra Haza.
Hope is not yet lost.
I live. I live. I live.
I cried my eyes out watching this. The Jewish people not only survived the Holocaust as most of the world sat by and watched the genocide of six million men, women, and children with a soulless indifference, but G-d has kept his promise and restored the Jewish people and returned them to the Holy Land and made it flourish again! (Thank you to my sister, Roz, for sharing this with me)
"For in every generation there rose up those to destroy our people. In antiquity, we faced destruction from the ancient empires of Babylon and Rome. In the Middle Ages, we faced inquisition and expulsion. And in modern times, we faced the pogroms and Holocaust. Yet the Jewish people persevered. And now another regime has arisen swearing to destroy Israel. That regime would be wise to consider this. I stand here today representing Israel a country 67 years young, but the nation state of a people nearly 4,000 years old. Yet, the empires of Babylon and Rome are not represented in this hall of nations. Neither is the thousand year Reich. Those seemingly invincible empires are long gone. But Israel lives. The people of Israel live. Am Israel Chai!" - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu United Nations, 2015
Andy Blumenthal is Deputy Program Director at the U.S. Department of Commerce. Blumenthal is a dynamic, award-winning leader with over 35 years of experience delivering results across the public and private sectors. All opinions are his own.