Showing posts with label Holiday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holiday. Show all posts

February 14, 2017

Not 4 Valentines Day

Valentines Day is the holiday of love. 

And this photo is not the message you want to see or expect today--of all days!

Anyway, they were selling this sleep mask at the mall.

One one side, it says "Ready"--yeah, a little forward, but problem welcome by most partners.

On the other side, it reads, "Not 2Nite"--gasps and disappointment for sure. 

What type of Valentines Day are you going to have?

Love is in the air, enjoy!

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

May 25, 2016

Lag B'Omer Hillula @ Magen David

Beautiful praying, learning Torah, fundraising, and evening celebration at Magen David Sephardic Synagogue.

Lag B'Omer 2016

Thank you to the Rabbi, Samy, and all our friends for a wonderful evening. 

(Source Photos: Andy Blumenthal)


April 23, 2016

G-dly Tattoo

So my daughter took this photo of someone on the train.

They had a tattoo that said Elokim--G-d's name in Hebrew--on their hand along their thumb.

Also, they had a second tattoo on the top of their hand that had the Star of David. 

Pretty dramatic, I think. 

But what a way to remember G-d and your religion all the time.

And I thought wearing a yarmulke on my head was something!

Anyway, just another thought for the day.

I was talking with a young person this week.

They said, how hard it was to be young and not know what was going to happen--what life had in store for them. 

I agreed that it was, but also added something that I had heard a number of years ago that:

When your young, you have health, but no money to enjoy it 

and when your old, you have money, but no health to enjoy it. 

The point is that at every point in life, we have our challenges, and we just have to make the most of what we got, when we have it. 

Ideally, of course, we have plenty of health and money--and the time to enjoy it with our family and friends.  

Happy Passover!

(Source Photo: Rebecca Blumenthal)


October 6, 2015

Kiss Me Where

OMG, so I had a major mess up last night. 

I go to a Sephardic synagogue and they have a custom of not just shaking hands, but kissing (not really) each other by sort of tapping each other first one cheek to cheek and then the other side. 

So this lady friend comes into shule (with her fiancee who walks away for a moment) while the dancing is going on with the Torah for the holiday, and she makes the signal moves for the cheek to cheek greeting to me.

But this whole custom is still sort of unfamiliar to me, and I mess it up big time!

I must've turned my head to the left when I should've turned right or something, and rather than end up cheek to cheek, I end up in this very awkward lip on lip kiss with her.

(Oh shit, that didn't just happen, did it?)

We both sort of jump backwards, and my wife is standing there in disbelief cracking up at the whole thing. 

This lady quickly turns away, and I quickly turn the other way, and I am just looking up at the ceiling thinking what did I just do. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

September 30, 2015

Chabad Making A Difference

Beautiful job by Rabbi Yudi Steiner of George Washington University hosting the Chabad Sukkot Barbecue in Washington, D.C.

The Rabbi was there welcoming students and Jews from around town to a sweet BBQ luncheon in the sukah. 

And the students were making the blessing with the Rabbi on the lulav and esrog for the holiday.

As always, Chabad is out there making a difference in Jewish lives, helping them do mitzvot, and spreading cheer and unity wherever they are. 

We are so lucky to have wonderful Lubavitch chasidim all around the world helping Jews be better Jews. ;-)

(Source Photos: Andy Blumenthal)

May 25, 2015

The Chalkboard Car

This is a photo of a chalkboard car. 

And on the hood is written "Happy Memorial Day!"

On the side was a design in chalk and on the back even a peace sign. 

Wouldn't it be sort of funny if everyone had a car with handwritten messages on it (as long as they were kept clean and non-aggressive). 

A little entertainment, humor, how ya feeling today, and more. 

It's also nice when we don't take ourselves so seriously and can just have some kosher fun in life. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 9, 2014

Hair Please Don't

My friend used to joke when someone had a bad hairdo by calling it a "hairdon't."

I took this photo in the mall on Sunday of this mannequin head with hair in multicolors sticking up out of her head in all directions. 

Uh, you gotta be kidding--is this actually going to sell anybody on a new hairdo (unless of course maybe you count it's shock value)?  

See the mirror lying next to it too, so you can actually see how you would look in one of these get ups--if, of course, you really want to. 

When the nice young Asian attendant lady saw me looking at this monstrosity, she runs over like can I help you, seriously.

Yeah, I'm doing some holiday shopping (Chanukah's right around the corner you know), and I'd like to get a new look JUST LIKE THIS!

Not today, but thank you. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

November 30, 2013

Stupidest Holiday Gifts

Ok, this wins the prize for the stupidest holiday gift.

It comes from Brookstone, and it's sand. 

Yes, really--98% sand and 2% polymer to make it "soft and stretchy."

You can get one jar of sand (12 ounces) for $14.99 or be even more stupid and buy 2 jars for $25.

Just imagine all the fun you can have playing with the sand, and you don't even have to go to the beach or the dessert. 

The bus fare or gasoline you save on the trip pays for this glorious sand in probably just one or two visits. 

This is truly Pet Rock redux, where this guy sold 1.5 million rocks at the holiday time in the 1970's and became a millionaire. 

It's amazing the marketing and branding brilliance behind this.

Imagine, you can sell rocks and sand and there are millions of people that actually take this seriously and buy it. 

Next up, bottled flatulence (ok, I'll just say it...farts!) ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

December 10, 2012

Nicest Chanukah Socks

On the third night of Chanukah, my true love gave to me...nah.

So wanted to share this nice pair of menorah Chanukah socks. 

Unfortunately, my daughter took a picture of them, but didn't bring them home for me. 

Maybe next year. ;-)


July 3, 2012

Happy Independence Day 2012
