In his second term, Trump can achieve what has eluded his predecessors: enduring and comprehensive peace in the Middle East. This aspiration can be realized through three historic and positively impactful initiatives:
- Neutralizing the Iranian Nuclear Threat: A decisive elimination of Iran’s threatening nuclear facilities is essential to prevent the radical and irrational leadership of the mullahs and Ayatollahs from jeopardizing global security with weapons of mass destruction.
- Expanding the Abraham Accords: The finalization of a peace agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia, along with other progressive Muslim nations yearning for peace and prosperity for their populations and a brighter future for all.
- Achieving the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Plan: The conclusion of the Israeli-Palestinian 2020 Trump Peace Plan that addresses the longstanding conflict, permits Israel to annex the strategic Area C of the West Bank, including the Jordan Valley and establishes a limited two-state solution allowing Palestinians to live freely and with dignity while ensuring peace and security for Israel.