Showing posts with label Water. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Water. Show all posts

August 6, 2017

Best of the Caribbean

Wow, I love this artwork from Haitian artist, Alix Baptiste, who works out of Savannah, Georgia. 

This one is called "Best of the Caribbean"--and I think it really is!

The colors and style he uses is so amazing. 

Someone else I know had one his artworks called, "Island Living" and it was so spectacular.

Somehow it feels like being there...almost. 

Baptiste has a website where you can see and shop from some of his other originals and lithographs.

I am so glad I found really makes me happy. 

Thank you G-d for the beauty of life and in art!

(Source Photo: here with attribution to Alix Baptiste) 

May 29, 2017

Go U.S.A.!


April 22, 2017

Water Cross

This was so fun in the pool.

The water was on and it was almost like a really high-speed jet jacuzzi. 

The cool water was rushing at me and splashing in my face and it was a nice moment of relaxation and feeling of life. 

For those who have been to the mikvah, it felt refreshing and like a renewal of spirit. 

Just in jest...when I look at this, I can't help noticing that it almost looks like Jesus on the cross. 

Except, thank G-d no nails, torture, or Roman Legion involved in this. ;-)

(Source Video: Dannielle Blumenthal)

December 9, 2016

Reconstituting The Water Of Antarctica

So Antarctica is the 5th largest continent of 7 in the world. 

It is 5.4 million square miles, and it is larger than both Europe and Australia. 

But it has only a temporary population of 5,000 people, mainly researchers. 

About 70% of the world's fresh water is held in the Antarctic ice sheet, which is 90% of all the world's ice. 

And the ice there extends 7,000 feet thick.

If all the ice would melt, the global sea levels would rise 2,000 feet!

Despite 95% of models over the last 30 years predicting the ice sheet melting due to global warming, it actually continues to expand.

It's a paradox for the science community, but one of the explanations is that as ice shelves break off, they actually forms a protective barrier for the new ice being formed along the main ice landmass. 

Even with global warming, the average temperature in Antarctica is still -35 degrees Fahrenheit, and most parts never get above freezing. 

So here's an idea--rather than fear global warming, is there an opportunity to use it and advance it, if only we can channel the effects of it for the good of humanity. 

The Antarctic Treaty System prevents nuclear weapons explosion there, but wouldn't that be a cool way to melt some ice and get some fresh drinking water for this thirsty planet or even to somehow move to MARS for colonization there?

Also, we could place solar mirrors in space to redirect sunlight to melt the ice--that's either some probably some pretty big mirrors or the dispersion ray of a space laser(s). 

The key now is to get the water to where you want it to go and not to destroy by massive flood our worldwide seaboard cities--and that's where a mass molecular transporter comes along. 

There is still much to discover and invent, but when it's done, I think we will definitely be heading to Mars and beyond.

Really, we have to, there is no other long-term survival choice for humankind. 

And perhaps, G-d placed the survival pod for us right under our feet at literally, the southern most point of the world, Antarctica! ;-)

(Source Photo: here via Wikipedia)

July 27, 2016

How Great Are You?


      Sometime, when you’re feeling important,
      Sometime, when your ego’s in bloom,
      Sometime, when you take it for granted,
      You’re the best qualified in the room.
      Sometime when you feel that your going,
      Would leave an unfillable hole,
      Just follow these simple instructions,
      And see how it humbles your soul.
      Take a bucket and fill it with water.
      Put your hand in it, up to the wrist;
      Pull it out; and the hole that’s remaining, 
      Is a measure of how you’ll be missed.
      You may splash all you please when you enter,
      You can stir up the water galore,
      But stop, and you’ll find in a minute,
      That it looks quite the same as before.
      The moral in this quaint example,
      Is just do the best that you can,
      Be proud of yourself, but remember,
      There’s no indispensable man.
      - Saxon White Kessinger

(Thank you to my daughter, Minna Blumenthal, for sharing this)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


June 28, 2016

Trickle Of A Waterfall

Took this picture in New Jersey last weekend. 

Went for a nice walk around this man-made lake...very pretty. 

At one end, almost like an infinity pool that merges into it's surroundings, a trickle of waterfall overflows here into the moss below. 

From this position, the lake itself was at eye level, so it was cool seeing it almost as if you are part of the lake itself. 

For me that was a special effect, and felt very one with nature and the universe. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


June 17, 2016

Everyone Drinks

So this is a water fountain on steroids. 

Not 1, not 2, but 3 drinking spouts. 

Adults, children, and even pets can all get theirs.

And at the same one goes thirsty!

So simple, yet why make people wait and take turns.

Drink everyone, drink to efficiency. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

June 12, 2016

Beautiful Florida

(Source Video: Andy Blumenthal)

June 7, 2016

Now You See It and Now You Don't

Took a little hike on Sunday through Sligo Creek. 

It was an absolutely gorgeous day. 

Walking along the creek, we saw a mother and child wading in the water. 

(Not sure that I would do that based on how clean or not it is, but they seemed to be cooling off and having fun). 

Then crossing a little footbridge, we came across someone tossing this pretty big bolder over the side and into the same creek. 

There was another guy at the bottom who seemed to be looking out for the big splash (or perhaps anyone happening by who would get clobbered by this thing). 

Anyway, this was just a stark juxtaposition of people (including children) having fun in the water and the potential hazards from above.

This is life, one minute everything can be sunshine and roses, and the next bing bong!

Got to be grateful for every minute of peace, health, and prosperity-they are truly gifts and nothing is owed to anyone from the Almighty. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


May 10, 2016

Creative Washing Sign

Ok, this is not your typical handwashing sign.

Usually these signs that are mandated by health regulations in food establishments remind employees to wash their hands before returning to work.

Of course, given all the Clostridium, E. coli, Hepatitis, Listeria, Norovirus, and Salmonella out there, we know that unfortunately many food workers are not following these instructions very well...yes, yuck!

Here, someone "sanitized" the sign, and rubbed out the "h" and the top part of the "d" in hands and left the crude word, "anus." 

Now employees must wash not their hands, but their anus (does that help in food preparation?)!

Perhaps, whoever did this are lobbyists for some sort of bidets in this country. 

Given all the political crap that goes on around this town, this may be a very good idea. ;-)

(Source Photo: Dannielle Blumenthal)

April 11, 2016

A Beautiful Crane

I took this photo in Lake Needwood yesterday. 

A most beautiful crane.

Such a long neck, skinny legs, smooth feathers, and a yellow beak.

When it took flight, it was so amazing. 

It's wingspan was huge. 

And it soared and glided through the trees and into the sky. 

I wish I could have caught it all on video. 

So free, elegant, and graceful.  

There was something almost heavenly about it. 

Imprinted it on my memory--loved it. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

February 5, 2016

Even Our Water

So I was in a meeting yesterday. 

And someone had a bottle of what looked like very dirty water. 

I said to the guy sad-jokingly, "Where's that from--Flint, Michigan?"

He sadly smiles back and says, "No, I just filled the bottle with iced tea!"

But everyone around the table sighed at the tragic state of affairs with the filthy, contaminated water in Flint. 

The high levels of lead in the water has allegedly resulted in "skin lessons, hair loss, high levels of lead in the blood, vision loss, memory loss, depression and anxiety."

It's unbelievable that in an American city with a population around 100,000 that they cannot safely shower or drink their water. 

To make things even worse, now banks are hunkering down and don't want to give mortgages to people in Flint until they can prove that their water is safe

What's amazing is that this miserable situation in our cities is not the exception, but the rule. 

As of 2003 already, The American Society for Civil Engineering gives us a hideous grade of D on our infrastructure that is aged and in disrepair.

This includes our:
- Energy
- Transportation
- Ports
- Aviation
- Levees
- Dams
- Schools
- Roads
- Inland Waterways
- Wastewater
- Hazardous Waste
- Parks and Recreation
- Rail
- Bridges
- Solid Waste
- Drinking Water

They estimate we need at least $3.6 trillion of investment for infrastructure renewal just by 2020. 

Interestingly enough, the useless decade-long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan costs us over $4 trillion and the lives of almost 14,000 American military and contractor personnel.

What would you rather have a destabilized Middle East now swarming with ISIS, the Taliban, and a resurgent $100 billion richer and nuclear- and terror-determined Iran or a proper country here for us to live in with an actual strategy-driven national security and good schools and clean drinking water? 

(Source Photo: here with attribution to B1ue5sky)

December 1, 2015

Awesome Northeast Fall Season

Just wanted to share this awesome photo that my beautiful daughter, Michelle, took this last week. 

I love how it vividly captures the Fall colors, the falling leaves, and the changing seasons. 

The bridge seems to magically span the lush green before with the orange and tan hues of the after all under a clear light blue sky. 

The scene definitely looks like a cozy and happy time and place I want to be in. ;-)

(Source Photo: Michelle Blumenthal)

November 15, 2015

Beautiful And Serene Hiking Sunday

So after lunch out, we went for a little hike at Lake Needwood. 

Today was absolutely beautiful.

The sun was shining bright and emanating warmth, but the air was cool with a breeze--that is the best of all worlds. 

The path was quiet and serene except for some occasional bikers yelling, "On your left"--might as well have said get the h*ll out of the way--one bike, two bikes, three bikes...okay done. 

Dossy and I held hands like newlyweds and just walked and talked along the trail. 

The daily stress and worries seeping out and away--and I am just floating with a renewed peacefulness and gratitude to Hashem.

Thank you all merciful G-d for granting us peace--one of the greatest of all blessings--may it spread around the world and last for all eternity! ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

October 20, 2015

The Cup Runneth Over

I took this photo today in Washington, D.C. near the Capital. 

It's a really nice fountain...actually 3 double-fountains in a row. 

The top fountains run over into the bottom ones, which in turn runs over into the larger pool basin at the bottom. 

I like the contrast between the grey and white stone, the gold fountain, and the pewter basin with the water overflowing between them. 

As the water (a symbolism of life) continues unabated to run over in the fountain, so too, I pray that our good fortune is abundant and overflowing, and that we have more than we than enough for our needs, and plenty extra to share with others. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

September 27, 2015

Beautiful Brookside Gardens

Today, we visited Brookside Gardens in Maryland.

My daughter needed to do some drawing for her art class.

We took the opportunity to enjoy the unbelievable beautiful nature there. 

If only the whole Earth was allowed to exist in such pristine form. 

No overcrowding, overdevelopment, and polluting of the planet. 

Just respect for Mother Earth and the bounty and miracles we are allowed to enjoy. ;-)

(Source Photos: Andy Blumenthal)


September 6, 2015

Beautiful Labor Day Weekend

Ok, here's my video today from The Shenandoah River along the Appalachian Trail at Harpers Ferry. 

Only I make one little mistake...see if you can pick up on it (everyone can make an oops once in a while--you just got to have a good laugh.)

Also, did you know there are 3 trillion trees in the world?

Sad though that number is almost half from the beginning of civilization and these days we are losing about 15 billion trees a year--that's crazy!

Anyway, I still love nature and G-d's beautiful creation and I give thanks to my maker. ;-)

(Source Video: Dannielle Blumenthal)

August 22, 2015

Ocean Waves (Take 60 Seconds To Enjoy)

I took this video of the ocean waves coming unto the sandy beach (some seaweed included).

60 seconds of pure calm and peaceful tide. 

Today, they finally took down the purple flags that indicate dangerous marine life, so we were able to go in the ocean and really enjoy. 

The rhythm of the ocean waves, the sun tanning our skin, the warm relaxing water, and the people playing and laughing (and some kissing).  

Thank you Hashem for this wonderful day and the beautiful world you created for us to partake of--blessed are thou! 

(Source Video: Andy Blumenthal)

August 21, 2015

Dancing With "The Stars"

I took this video when we stopped for a nice Italian coffee at Grand Forno Pronto on Las Olas in Florida. 

A good song pops on the speakers, and all of a sudden the waiter and waitress just start dancing it up behind the counter. 

The customers are ecstatic and egging them on.

Florida is one of those places where people just break out in fun--it's awesome.  ;-)

(Source Video: Andy Blumenthal)

August 17, 2015

PARROT Does Amazing Impromptu DANCE

Rebecca was so brave and such a great sport with this parrot doing this crazy dance on her head by the beach. 

(Narrated and videoed by Andy Blumenthal)