July 4, 2016

What Path Are We On This July 4th?

Over and over again, I hear people say that as a country we are on the wrong path.

According to recent polls, around 70% think we're moving in the wrong direction!

Very pessimistic bunch or something more going on?  

Despite all the technology advances--from smartphones to video-on-demand, drones to 3-D printing--people are still feeling like things are a mess. 

And the upcoming election seems to have given everyone with half a brain, reason to pause. 

The world seems like a very dangerous place these days with a resurgent Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and ISIS with your guess as to where terrorism of the day will be hitting. 

Moreover, weapons of mass destruction are proliferating from nukes to chemical and biological weapons...can anyone say $350 billion in the next 10 years to modernize America's nuclear arsenal

Deadly diseases from Ebola in Africa to Zika in South America are striking without warning and causing horrible sudden death and frightening birth defects in infant babies. 

The economy and politics of the world are grossly unstable with many banks now offering negative interest rates and Brexit tearing at the very core of the EU.  

Hundreds of thousands are dying in the Arab Spring and Middle East wars and millions of refugees are streaming to Europe and as far away as America. 

Ballooning national debts are leading to the looming bankruptcies of not only Greece, Spain, Ireland, and Puerto Rico, but also the 3 pillars of American entitlements: Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. 

Unemployment shows at a deceptive 4.7%, but yet anyone looking for a job knows this is far from reality, and robots, artificial intelligence, and automation loom large over any future prospects. 

Racism and hate are all too alive and well as tempers seem to be boiling over in city after city, with or without police shootings precipitating things. 

Already as a kid, I always used to ask my dad rhetorically, "What's gonna be?"

As an adult, I understand that this was a question born of the deterioration of the moral and leadership fiber of our society and a future that was far from certain in the inner city or beyond, along with the anxiety born of wanting to have some reassurance that things somehow would end up being okay. 

But things aren't okay in our f*cked up world!

Especially with political jockeying to gerrymandering, from sit-ins to sequestration, from pork-barrel projects to outright fraud, waste, and abuse...the system is getting so broken. 

Now when I think in my head, what's gonna be, my mom and dad are not here anymore to reassure me that everything will be alright, and frankly in this day and age, those reassurances would not even be able to ring true. 

We need change and hope, but perhaps we must look Heavenward for it to come, because down here, things are looking more like a creeping hell, than a heaven that awaits.  

But good people can help to change things...one good thought, word, and deed at a time. You and I can be influences for good, for a brighter tomorrow, for peace, for freedom and equality, and for prosperity for everyone that doesn't buy into the status quo and the spin and lies that sustain it any longer. 

This is our magic wand to wave and wave and make good times based on values and faith return again. ;-)

(Source Video: Andy Blumenthal)

July 3, 2016

BDS = Terrorism

The Boycott, Divesture, and Sanctions (BDS) movement is yet another terrorist campaign in the likes of Al Qaeda, ISIS, Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Boko Haram and more of these threatening radicals and murderers. 

Hiding as victims, rather than the true oppressors they are, you may easily recognize them as the hardened anti-Semitic, anti-Zionistic, and anti-civilized Western world zealots, who aim toward the genocidal destruction of the Jewish state and people as well as general instigators of world chaos and violence. 

There are 57 Muslim majority nations in the world, but only 1 small Jewish state smaller than the size of New Jersey--and even that the hateful BDS supporters and bigots would like to violently take away. 

Aside from the 6 million Jews murdered in the Holocaust, another 1 million were forcibly uprooted from the Muslim countries they lived in and fled to the Holy Land of Israel...the land of their forefathers for thousands of years!

The Jews in Israel turned the nation into a democratic land that once again flows with milk and honey and generates medical cures and technological innovation.

This while the rest of the Middle East burns in the Arab Spring under dictatorships, oppression, torture, and the heinous murders and creation of refugees by the millions whether by siege and starvation, machine guy and snipers, barrel and car bombs, and Sarin gas chemical weapons. 

Despite the dangerous neighborhood, Israel has extended over the years numerous offers of peace and of a 2-state solution, yet these have been rejected and have resulted in nothing but intifada after intifada--with bombings, shootings, knifings, vehicular rammings, and barrages of thousands of missiles and digging of dozens of terror tunnels to abduct innocents and attack civilian centers. 

Just this week, a 13-year old Israeli girl was murdered while she slept in her home, 2-women were stabbed (one while getting ready for her daughter's wedding), and a Rabbi and father of 10 children was murdered in a hail of 20 bullets as he drove his car with his wife and 2 of his children. 

At the same time, our nations are not sparred the terror horrors as bombings and shooting by radical Islamic terrorists span the globe: from Istanbul Airport to a Bangladesh restaurant and a Baghdad market have left yet another 183 more dead just this week alone--that on top of the 50 murdered in Orlando just a few weeks ago. 

Everyone is a target when in comes to terrorism, and whether the terrorists are blowing themselves up at the airport in suicide vests, spraying AK-47s in restaurants, or knifing little girls in their bed as they sleep...the desire to achieve sick murderous goals, including implementing laws that abandon elementary freedoms and human rights and seeks to achieve and use treacherous weapons of mass destruction, never ceases. 

From beheadings and crucifixions of "infidels" to burning and stoning "adulterous" victims alive, to pushing gays off of rooftops or hanging them from cranes, to executing bloggers and political opponents, the list of violence and horrific abuse goes on and on. 

And if all that doesn't work, because the true victims who wish to live in peace put up walls and checkpoints to keep out the murders, then why not try BDS? 

BDS is hateful anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism and by any other name, just another form of terrorism to forcibly get their hateful ways. 

What the antagonistic wars against Israel in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982 and the intifadas couldn't accomplish in terms of throwing all the Jews into the sea (what a peaceful goal that is????), they think that somehow BDS will. 

But it won't work...you see Israel is no Apartheid anymore than supporters of BDS are peace-loving doves seeking to get out the "bad occupiers"--who truth be told are only occupying their own G-d given Homeland.  

Now the simple facts: 

BDS = Terrorism


Supporters of BDS = Terrorists

Those that rise against Israel, the L-rd of hosts has the answer for you--you will surely be cursed.

For the murders you commit, the hate you spew, and the evil you do--rest assured, Heaven will have it's justice on you. 

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

July 1, 2016

Say It And They Believe It

This was pretty funny in Starbucks. 

This guy comes in with a briefcase and sets in down on the table. 

He opens it up and proceeds to take out an electronic device--turns out it's his laptop computer. 

But on the briefcase, there is a label that says:


So everyone is looking like there really is something to this.

You can almost tangibly feel them wondering what the heck type of device is this that he is carrying...it must pack a real punch!

Then one person near me, bends over sideways, and whispers in my ear..."Does he really have a powerful anti-terror device inside?"

Like I look as if I'm in the know on these things!!! 

I lean back over in the other direction to the other person and whisper back, "No, I'm pretty sure that it's just a gag...the guy must be looking for some serious attention."

And all of sudden, it's as if all the heads around me start to nod, like I stated some amazing insight here or perhaps that they somehow knew it all along. 

Anyway, it's incredible what people will believe...if you just state it (in an official way, of course) on your briefcase, a badge, on your forehead or wherever, it's got to be true, because we are so gullible and willing or wanting to believe. 

Yes, I believe! I believe!  ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


June 30, 2016

Secret To Long Life

I just love this Tibetan proverb on the secret to long life

"Eat Half

Walk Double

Laugh Triple


Love Without Measure,"

The rest is icing on the Tibetan cake. 

(Source Photo: Rebecca Blumenthal via Facebook)


June 29, 2016

Compassion Instead Of Anger

So I was speaking to someone recently about how angry they were with some stressful things and people in their life. 

I listened carefully and tried to empathize--also in full transparency, it got to be a lot and I at some point was begging them to stop!

At one point, I just said, instead of being angry maybe try to be compassionate. 

And I could see in other person's reaction that they thought perhaps that I had hit on something a little eye-opening here. 

We can get angry about all the stresses and injustices that we perceive in our lives. 

People blame us, attack us, don't appreciate us, talk down to us, disrespect us, even bully us or try to hurt us.

Also life throws some pretty stinging to earth-shattering circumstances upon us.

And maybe we have every right to feel angry.

But usually the anger, unless we need the adrenaline-rush in fighting for our survival and for our core beliefs and values, doesn't help us achieve what we really want. 

What we want most of the time is to resolve things!

But getting angry and lashing out often only makes things worse. 

We act rashly, we overreact, we say and do things we may regret afterwards, and the consequences of our reaction can be severe to us afterwards in terms of alienating and harming others, escalating the situation and making it worse, creating hurt and destruction in our own wake, and even losing jobs or getting yourself in trouble and sent to the pokey.

If instead of getting angry and flinging arrows, we look at things from eyes of compassion, we can listen to others more carefully, understand the situation better, and try to rectify bad relationships or cope with stressful life events by employing emotional intelligence and a soft hand/skills. 

This is not to say that we should excuse really bad behavior or truly unforgivable misdeeds, but rather that we should look at things in a larger context, the role we play, and as part of our our life challenges to make things better and overcome.

Anger and the associated response is appropriate when the little devil is doing their misdeeds (lashing out severely and/or repeatedly with harm and intent), but compassion can help to see everything else for what it is or isn't and gives us an opportunity to react with a level head, a stable hand, and humanity as a first resort. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

June 28, 2016

Equality Is Human Rights

I was most impressed recently with the organization (including the marketing and branding) behind the LGBT movement. 

The new bumper sticker with the yellow equal (=) sign.

The people on the street in yellow "Equality" t-shirts wanting to talk and promote themselves.

The tablet computers they are carrying equipped with slide presentation on equal rights (and their association with the larger issue on their website for human rights).  

The on-the-spot electronic sign up for either monthly donations and/or petition for the Equality Act to amend the Civil Rights Act to include sexual orientation. 

Religious beliefs aside, and as long as you don't hurt others, people are people and should not be discriminated against. 

All people should be treated fairly and protected from disparate or unfair treatment, bullying or worse. 

Equality really is human rights. ;-)

(Source Photos: Andy Blumenthal)

Trickle Of A Waterfall

Took this picture in New Jersey last weekend. 

Went for a nice walk around this man-made lake...very pretty. 

At one end, almost like an infinity pool that merges into it's surroundings, a trickle of waterfall overflows here into the moss below. 

From this position, the lake itself was at eye level, so it was cool seeing it almost as if you are part of the lake itself. 

For me that was a special effect, and felt very one with nature and the universe. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


June 27, 2016

Doing It On One Leg

Always finding people with new and creative ways to work out (and torture their bodies).

The gentleman does the stairs on one leg...

Down not so bad (but keeping your balance probably a little challenging). 

Up, one after the other, pretty impressive. 

And he did this routine again and again.

The fitness craze is taking shape...hopefully eclipsing the sedentary and gross carb diets people have adopted over the years.

Carbs, as good as they may taste (although I think you don't even really taste them as people shovel it in), should be banned or at least greatly limited as an addictive harmful substance.

And sitting all day at a desk, not what otherwise healthy people were meant to do, also big no-no.

We can't let ourselves become a society of shlubs getting fat, tired, and unhealthy--it's part of a trend of depressive and destructive personal and social behavior. 

I really think we need a Western fitness revolution--not body-worshiping--just a good healthy balanced lifestyle where we become planetary survivors again and not a bunch of virtual couch potatoes that want to make you puke. ;-)

(Source Video: Andy Blumenthal)

June 26, 2016

Hamsa Most Gorgeous

The Hamsa is a Middle Eastern symbol for thousands of years representing the hand of G-d.

Chamsa in Arabic or Hamesh in Hebrew is actually five (or 5 fingers as in a hand). 

The Hamsa serves as an amulet to nullify the evil eye (Ayin Harah). 

A Hamsa is frequently decorated with an eye, ornate etchings, beads, and gems. 

This Hamsa that I found in New Jersey by an Israeli artist is actually one of the largest (almost 2 feet) and one of the most beautiful. 

It is made of lacquer over oil paint on wood, and I think weighs about 5-6 pounds. 

Each finger is a different and vibrant color, and it has poetry about the hand in life you are dealt and handling life the best you can. 

It has a big happy and peaceful face with rosy cheeks and a heart on its forehead. 

It is such a magnificent piece that I actually saw it in the window of a fine art store while almost driving by it in a car.

Awesome, beautiful, and G-d should bestow it with the powerful energy to help protect us from all evil and illness, defend us from any bad judgements and dangers, and shower us with his infinite mercy and blessings all the days of our lives. ;-)

(Source Photo: Dori Sobin)

What Do You Think Of Toll Booths

The Total CIO speaks about the stupidity of toll booths.

Basically, it's highway robbery. ;-)

(Source Video: Dannielle Blumenthal)

June 24, 2016

Why Can't The English Be More English

The people of the United Kingdom voted in referendum yesterday for Brexit (British exit) or independence from the European Union (EU). 

Unity is a wonderful thing when values and vision is widely shared and the burden and benefits are more or less evenly distributed. 

But in the case of the UK in the EU, the vote for independence was anchored in the unsettling issues of mass immigration from the Arab Spring, the debt crisis of many of the poorer Southern EU states (e.g. Greece, Spain, Portugal, etc.), the decision of the UK to maintain their own currency (not accepting the Euro), and culturally (and language-wise), even though they all interact with each other, the UK has more in common with the US and Australia, then they ever had with Germany, France, and the rest of Europe. 

It is really very understandable that the UK doesn't want to lose their identity and sovereignty and just be another EU state--rather than be a unique, independent, and dominant entity of it's own, charting their own course and driving their own fate. 

While it's great to a part of something bigger, sometimes being yourself is more important, and you can still interact with the rest. 

No people should be forced to become a shadow of themselves, and if the call is for independence, then that is noble call even if it is inconvenient for those who would rather call themselves the EU. 

Unity may best be by alliance rather than strict integration...one for all and all for each and every one. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

June 23, 2016

Bird In The Bush

Thought this was an absolutely amazing and spellbinding photo of a bird peeking out from a bush.

I've never actually seen anything like this captured up close like this. 

The bird seemed to cooperate.

It reminds me of a baby gestating in it's mother's womb, so content, so sheltered. 

Not quite ready to come out into the real world, but snug in place, yet observant.

Too soon to be contemplating next steps in the complex world outside its immediate cozy shelter. 

Perhaps, there is a part of us that craves that simplicity, innocence, and existence sheltered from all the bumps and bruises.

Oh, to have such peace of mind and spirit, absent heart-wrenching day-to-day dilemmas we face.

Like a bird nestled in a bush looking out with that simple wonder and purity of life itself. 

(Source Photo: The Highly Talented, Rebecca Blumenthal)


June 22, 2016

DC Metro Is In Shambles

So the latest this week from the crumbling infrastructure of the DC Metro train system, not withstanding the mess of Operation SafeTrack. 

While riding this morning, a large panel inside the train abruptly and widely swings open and smashes against the fabricated white and plastic wall adjacent to the seats. 

It made a loud bang and initially everyone on the train looked up with the deer in the headlights stare apparently thinking it was a gunshot on the train or something. 

Luckily, no one was in the 2 seats where the panel swung open like that, because their would've been some physical damage done to somebody there. 

The age and decrepitness of the train obvious from the incident and also looking at what's behind door #1!

What is amazing is that this is the Capital of the United States, one of the wealthiest and most powerful nations on Earth.

We spend lavishly abroad and domestically on wasteful pork barrel politics, broken programs, and even money that goes completely unaccounted for (can anyone say pass a financial audit). 

Yet, we cannot provide a modern, clean, safe, and functional metro transportation system servicing the capital of our country or for that matter educate our young people properly or feed the hungry and shelter the homeless within our own borders. 

There is a lot broken here and Metro is just the tip of the leadership iceberg unbecoming who we are and what our potential for this world is. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


June 21, 2016

It's Getting Mighty Hot

This is a advertisement around Washington DC alerting people to the dangers of global warming.

"I'm Too Hot"


"9 of the 10 hottest years have occurred since 2000."

Wait a second, for some (or many) a little extra heat may be considered a good thing especially if you live up north with generally freezing cold and miserably snowy winters.

So don't just tell us about it getting hotter, but tell us how hot is it actually going to get and what will happen when it does--melting glaciers, rising oceans and catastrophic flooding of cities, weather abnormalities and violent natural disasters, and so on.

We need to move on to the substance of this. 

Just like with the national debt, we keep talking about it going up (and up). 

Well what's so bad about that if we can just print some more greenbacks and pay for more stuff, maybe it's a good--or great--investment in our country and future?

Here again, the message that isn't getting out clearly is what is going to happen when the debt becomes unsustainable and printing or devaluing dollars will not solve the problem and may actually exasperate it by creating run-away inflation, a downgraded or junk credit rating, and higher debt payments possibly tanking our economy and people's savings.

Yeah, we don't want to cause a panic. 

But shielding people from vital information on the dangerous paths we are on will only lead to going further down into the abyss of non-action and potential for cascading calamity. 

Let's face it--it's unpopular to talk anything doom or gloom--financial crises or natural disasters or especially anything with WMD--but if we aren't the adults in the political room, who will be? 

For once, I'd love a leader who tells it straight, who helps us face our own worst nightmares, and actually gets us back on track again, rather than keeps the wool pulled over our eyes for another term or two.

Leadership is lost in rosy glasses, vote counting, pundits called upon to obscure the truth from the people, keeping a false calm, and creating wildly inflated legacies.

These motives for now are stronger than the determination to deal with the threats we face, but not forever, and then the pendulum will most abruptly swing in the other direction, precariously late for the ensuing global effects. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


June 20, 2016

Young Love

So I took this photo of a painting in a home furnishings store.

Just something really striking about it to me. 

The way the women is leaning into the man and his head/face leans into hers. 

Their focus on the drawing or plans in front of them, where he seems to be sketching out their future together. 

Also, their hands touching and almost clasped.

Young love is beautiful.

When people find each other, by some miracle of G-d.

And the chemistry magically makes 2 people like 1. 

The look they give each other, when their hopes and dreams converge.

Best friends, companions, lovers with the potential to grow ever mightier over time. 

Life not without obstacles that the couple must overcome, supporting each other.

Building a home, raising a family, making a future together come true.

When the minds meet, the hearts yearn for each other, and the souls join.

What a time of joy and blessing...a time to live for and to continue the generations forward and build that which cannot be completed by any man alone. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


June 19, 2016

Running With Parachute

So I took this photo at the athletic field. 

This guy was running.

But he had a parachute tied to his buttocks. 

A little extra resistance to get into shape. 

While a parachute can be helpful (in fact lifesaving) if you're jumping from an airplane.

It can also be a hinderance if your trying to run across a big open field as fast as you can. 

Parachute + Air = Resistance. 

I asked the guy how much this running parachute cost and he told me it was about $30.

Not bad to vary up the workout a little and pull not just yourself, but an entire airstream with you. 

It's interesting how people wanting to excel look for ways to improve their game by challenging themselves.

As if running lightening fast in the hot sun wasn't hard enough.

Let's add a parachute or maybe a bag of heavy rocks to the mix.

The problem is that while the training can be good now, we may pay a physical price for it later in life. 

He/she-man can take a lot of physical abuse, but maybe there is also long term wear and tear on the body. 

I think perhaps, the best outcome from challenging your body and soul is the inner strength you get from determination and exercise of your will to succeed. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

June 17, 2016

Getting To Truth

So I saw this quote on someone's t-shirt.

Immediately, I thought this is pretty smart and took a mental photo. 

- Lies

I suppose the question is how much of the world we live in are lies and fallacies to deceive individuals or the masses. 

Lies made up by liars, driven by materialism and greed, by people seeking or taking power, lies to enslave others in thought and deed, lies to get people to do what we want them to or to get them to follow us blindly, lies to get our way or to get others to abandon theirs, lies to cheat, lies to steal, lies to corrupt, lies to control, lies to obscure or cover our tracks, lies to rewrite history, lies to create phony legacies, lies for the sake of lying. 

All the rest is the truth. ;-)

(Source Graphic: Andy Blumenthal)

Everyone Drinks

So this is a water fountain on steroids. 

Not 1, not 2, but 3 drinking spouts. 

Adults, children, and even pets can all get theirs.

And at the same time...no one goes thirsty!

So simple, yet why make people wait and take turns.

Drink everyone, drink to efficiency. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

June 16, 2016

Setbacks Lead To Comebacks

My wife, Danielle Blumenthal, sent me this beautiful quote from Joel Osteen's book called, "It's Your time."

"For every setback, G-d has prearranged a comeback

For every failure, G-d has prearranged mercy. 

For every disappointment, G-d has prearranged restoration. 

For every unfair thing, G-d has prearranged vindication....

It's easy to get discouraged, lose your enthusiasm, or even be tempted to just settle where you are.

But if we're going to see G-d's best, when you get knocked down, you don't stay down. You get back up again.You have to know that every time adversity comes against you, it's a setup for a comeback."

Often we look at some people, and think that they have everything. 

But no one does--life is a bunch of trade-offs. 

Some are blessed with family and friends, others with health and longevity, and still others with peace or prosperity, but no one has it all. 

And if you think they do, then you don't really know them and their circumstances. 

In life, everyone has weaknesses, setbacks and failures...it's how we learn, it's how we grow.

Understanding that setbacks doesn't necessarily mean "game over" and that as long as there is life, there is hope, can give us the courage to go on, and the strength to get up when it seems like we are down for the count, and to make a comeback to live and thrive yet another day. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


June 15, 2016

What's Old And New

Just want to share a quote that a colleague said they saw recently displayed at the Kennedy Center:

"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones." 

- John Cage

Perhaps, it's not what's old or what's new that is scary, but simply what is unconstrained evil in men's hearts at any time or place. 

It's the age old fight of good over evil, and when evil gets the upper hand, even if just for a short time, it can be the most unbelievable and frightening to face off with. 

Let's give new ideas plenty of opportunity as long as they are based in kindness, compassion, and humanity. 

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


June 14, 2016

The Continued Softening Of Microsoft

Microsoft should not be acting old and grey.

Yet they are throwing away another $26.2 billion dollars in purchasing the relative revenue and profit weakling, LinkedIn, the professional networking social media site (where odds are you have your high-level resume-type information). 

Have you ever paid a dime to LinkedIn or have you ever paid attention to  single advertisement on LinkedIn (I can’t even remember if there is advertising on there—see I pay it zero attention!)?

Unfortunately Microsoft is following suite with it’s worthless purchase of Nokia in September 2013 for $9.4 billion that was all written off and then some with yet another ridiculous, desperate move.

Microsoft has been living off their legacy product suites of Windows, Office, Outlook, and SharePoint for years…and apparently, aside from the regular forced upgrades, they seem to have virtually nothing in the innovation hopper. 

Hence, loser acquisitions of things like Yammer in 2012 for $1.2 billion (anyone use that BS Facebook-like service for inside their organization—work is not social playtime folks!).

Anyway, I like Microsoft products--they are functional, which is what I want from email, creating and editing documents, spreadsheets and slides, as well as sharing files--it's great for bread and butter tasks--nothing sexy.

But every attempt that Microsoft makes in desperation to expand beyond their core competencies comes up soft and a big money loser. 

Innovation and success is not bred by acquiring virtually worthless properties in terms of high-technology with no synergy to who they fundamentally are.  

It is almost heartbreaking to see a once great company like Microsoft continue to drown in its own excess cash and strategically hollow ideas.

Microsoft will only be successful by thinking beyond the boxed in windowed organization that they have imprisoned themselves in. 

I hope they can break a few windows and escape to some new technological thinking again soon--but the big question is whether they currently have the talent to make it so. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


June 13, 2016

Walking The Pink Carpet

Only in Starbucks Florida...

Does Buddy the bird sing and dance inside the shop next to the coffee drinkers.

Here, my wife was doing some writing for the Federal Communicators Network.

And she is very serious about her writing--and don't bug her when she's into it.

But Buddy was a different story...

He proudly walked right over the iPad pink keyboard.

And then headed for another circuit around the table.

Picking up keys, ripping up the New York Times, hanging upside down, and playing with everyone who was only too happy to pay him attention.

When I asked Buddy if he liked Starbucks coffee, he started bopping up and down like crazy--it was hilarious.

As to my wife's computer and writing, this was about the only thing that she would allow to disturb her. 

I was surprised she didn't eat the bothersome bird, but even she had to laugh at his gall to step into her virtual world of writing, brands, and social media. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


June 12, 2016

Beautiful Florida

(Source Video: Andy Blumenthal)

What Terror Attack?

Haven't we all heard it before...

Another terrorist attack, and there is an appeal for calm.

Radical Islam, no way...we can't even say the words.

I'm sure we'll hear the typical...that it was just a lone crazed gunman.

Forget that he avowed allegiance to ISIS.

And that he had previously been investigated by the FBI.

Also, that it is just 3 days since ISIS threatened to attack Florida.

We need the public to think there is stability and safety, especially right before the election.


The public is perceived as stupid.

Part of the echo chamber with the media. 

Feed them some crap about this being gun violence and attack the 2nd Amendment and call it a day.

The sheep will go back to their slumber and still vote for who the elites tell them to.

Over 50 DEAD.

Over another 50 wounded, many (or most) in CRITICAL CONDITION.

The WORST mass shooting in US history.

We're tough on terrorism...keep repeating that.

Don't flinch when the cameras are on you.

Make a remark that it's because the enemy is angry about GITMO or Palestine or whatever.

In other words, it's justified--we deserve it!

Close GITMO and resolve the Palestinian issue and all will be well in the world and there won't be any more of this terrorist, murderous, violence against civilians, women, children, people at worship or at weddings or at funerals, or going to work in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, or on a bus or train, or sitting in a cafe or pizzeria or club.

Let's stop more sanctions and release more money to Iran, the world #1 sponsor of terrorism.  

Let's leave Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen and more...all will be well.

Blood shed, treasure spent. 

Time to go home.

The enemy is not coming here.

Everyone rest assured. 

The unity rally after the attacks in Paris...we're a no show. 

The attack in Tel Aviv last week...tell them to show some restraint. 

Orlando...forget about it, really--it's over.

Let's focus on the election now.

Tell them about glass ceilings and redistributing the wealth--they'll eat that up.

Power, 4 years...maybe 8.

Citizens, sleep well...the Ambien is being carefully administered to each and every one.  Zzzzzz.  ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

June 11, 2016

Break-Fix After Breakfast

So I learned something new about being Mr. Fix It.

First of all, depending on how you look at things, you are either the guy who miraculously arrived on the scene and fixed what was so horribly broken and dysfunctional for way too long.


You are the one who broke what was working so well before you came along and messed things up.

Second, just because you want to fix things, doesn't mean that the system or actors want it fixed.  

Often, they are used to it that way and are comfortable in their managed chaos. Objectively better is not necessarily better to those who like to fly below the radar and aren't looking for change or perceived trouble.

Dealing with what's wrong means not only admitting something is broken, but also committing to putting in the substantial effort to fix it.  To some people, why even go there? 

You may be getting up after breakfast energized to take on the dysfunction, but the organization is frozen in it's own sickness and the fever isn't going down or away.

Be careful what you try to fix, because rather than kudos for a job well done, you may be walking into the blame game where after all, pretending that there is no problem to begin with is the greatest shenanigan to hide behind of them all. 

(Source Photos: Andy Blumenthal)


June 10, 2016

Beach Wheelchair

This was really nice to see.

Someone invented a beach wheelchair.

Thoughtful for people with disabilities.

Not sure how well it actually would work to try and push this over the sand dunes.

But I credit people for trying to help other people.

Too often, we only think of ourselves.

It's inconvenient to think of those with less or with problems and in need.

But when we come out of or own heads, we can uplift ourselves as well as others to the beach or wherever else they want to go. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


June 9, 2016

Weighing The Evidence

Here is an interesting idea.

In front of the inner doors to this supermarket in Florida...

There is a huge scale for weighing yourself.

Before you shop for the mac and cheese, hero sandwiches, pizza slices, cookies, cakes, ice cream, and chips, why not have a look at the scale!

Then decide what you want to buy in the supermarket today.

Maybe you'll spend a little more time and money in the fruit and vegetable isle.

Or getting some healthy and diet snacks.

The scale only goes up to 300 pounds.

So if that that doesn't scare you straight...

Maybe the fact that everyone can see your weight when you get on, will. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


The Kool-Aid Overfloweth

So I am a little concerned with this election.

As the promises are made...

As glass ceilings are broken for gender and outsiders...

As the endorsements are coming in...

As legacies are made and lost...

Everybody seems to be drinking a lot of Kool-Aid.

Somehow, the (social) media doesn't seem as discerning as it should or could be. 

Maybe it's more about brands, what outrageous, who's insulted, ratings and advertising dollars.

Many (or almost all unless they have personal skin in the game) seem resigned to just vote for the candidate they deem least worst.

Accountability for actions and words--scripted and blurted out--don't seem to be taken with the seriousness they deserve. 

Just say or do whatever it takes...shake hands, kiss babies, promise more of everything for everybody.

Wash it all away with the insincerity of the moment for the prize of the ultimate power grab awaits. 

The new leader of the free world will be sitting in the Oval Office in just a little more than half a year.

Kool-Aid is filling our screens, our newspapers, our conversations, and our minds.

What's real and what's bullsh*t about what we're being fed?

Transparency, ha...feeding time is almost over. 

But where's the real vetting, critical thinking, and values informing the process?

It's not about what to think, but how to think!

Bellies are almost full...the herd is almost ready to vote.

The new King of the Jungle is almost ready to take their place at the head of it all.

Four years, maybe eight years...

How will the wild world be then? ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

June 8, 2016

Jet Bluing Around

(Source Video: Andy Blumenthal)