Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts

March 28, 2021

Walk Fort Lauderdale Beach

Eleven minute walk along Fort Lauderdale Beach.

Crazy during Spring Break!

This country in between crises letting off steam amidst:
- Multitude inner city shootings
- Racism and violent riots
- Anarchy at the Capitol
- Our sovereign borders being overrun
- Chaotic Covid pandemic
- Ridiculously out-of-control spiraling national debt
- Deteriorating relations with superpowers Russia and China
- Nuclear escalations with Iran and North Korea
- Another horrible election

Who will save this country from itself? ;-)

(Credit Video: Andy Blumenthal)


March 11, 2021

Where Have All The Heroes Gone?

Art imitates life. 

When we had heroes in the real world there were also superheroes on television, movies, video games, toys, and more. 

But alas leadership in our times has seriously fallen short.

Who is there to really look up to as a model for us to respect and follow? 

It seems like everywhere these days we are confronted by: 

- Failing leadership 

- Poor decision-making

- Party politics

- Obstructionism

- Finger-pointing

- Fraud, waste, and abuse

- Bullying and sexual harassment

- Bribery and kleptocracy

- Big time narcissism 

There are few if any heroes these days!

It's sad for us as well as for our children.

I hope we see Batman and Superman and other superheroes again: strong in the physical sense but primarily a symbol for strength of character/integrity and for the fight of good over evil in this world. 

The void is painful for our times and is going to impact our near term future as well.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


January 21, 2021

Going In Circles

One administration comes and another goes. 

The new executive orders and legislations reverse the old ones. 

- Keystone Pipeline

- Travel Ban from potential Terrorist Countries

- Paris Climate Accord

- Membership in World Health Organization

- Deregulation 

- Taxes

As a country, we are (borderline) bipolar!

And like a pendulum, we swing back and forth getting nowhere and driving the rest of the world crazy.

Can't we actually move forward without the perennial one step forward, one step back nauseating dance we keep doing. 

Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran are moving forward and they are not waiting for us to figure out what we actually want and get our national act together to move decisively and definitively forward.  ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


January 14, 2021

High Kicks Not City Riots

This is when on the Washington D.C. Mall there were high kicks and not riots. 

It was a carefree spot and not a war zone. 

The city wasn't filled with anger but with hope. 

Politicians weren't giving each other a kick in the ass every day, but rather reaching across the aisle to try and get something done. 

The country was trying to go forward, but now it's having trouble keeping up with the problems caused by China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran. 

Then we stood tall and wore our colors proud, today we wonder about the crisis of the day and what tomorrow will bring.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


January 10, 2021

What's With This Crazy World?

I don't recognize this world. 

This world has gone to sleep. 

It's not the world of life I used to know. 

Now fear and isolation pervade about. 

Things aren't even what they seem or they seem to be what they aren't. 

Everything is glossed over and black and white are easily substituted. 

There used to be a moral ground and a forward path. 

Now you have to have a stronger faith and inner conviction than ever before. 

To see the light at the end of the tunnel and hope it's the light we all yearn for.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


January 7, 2021

Prescription Coffee, A Washington Necessity

A regular coffee just won't do it, especially with what's going on in Washington, D.C. after the most recent chaotic events of yesterday. 

Thus, this prescription coffee is a great idea to wake the masses out of their disbelieving stupor of what's going down in this insane town. 

Of course, the supposed Russian way of dealing with their opponents is said to involve perhaps more of a poison approach to handle affairs (reference Navalny), which is way scary!

And with talk of invoking the 25th Amendment to remove the President from office or of impeachment (again) less than 2 weeks from the inauguration, I'll definitely take me some prescription coffee by the barrel.  ;-)

(Source Photo: Minna)


November 10, 2020

Can Anyone Say Election Fraud?

  • Vote rigging.
  • Dumping of valid ballots. 
  • Counting invalid late ballots.
  • Changing the postmark of ballots. 
  • Preparing phony ballots.
  • Accepting unsigned ballots.
  • Voters who voted multiple times. 
  • "Software glitches" switching votes

If this isn't considered fraud, then why are we even bothering to hold an election in the first place? 

And moreover, why do we pretend that we're a democracy? ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 6, 2020

We Are The 99%!

This election demonstrated one thing...that we are the 99%!

The too often proverbial suckers under the heel of the power and money elite in society. 

Fed phony and biased information to try and turn us against each other and manipulate us to believe and act in ways beneficial to those who want to retain, and endlessly grow, their wealth and status. 

Like good soldiers, the underclasses are the pawns in the global games of Power Chess and Monopoly. 

The 99% are completely expendable. 

They are blind and will follow orders. 

The 1% likes them dumb and works hard to try and keep them that way!

Anything, if the rich can get richer and the powerful can get more power. 

The schnooks at the bottom looking up, with begging eyes, get the scraps thrown off the table and unto the floor where they fight for a morsel, while killing each other for it. 

The elite use the media, Hollywood, polls, and radicalism, so that they can sit up high and mighty and watch the rest of us with a wide smirk of disdain on their fat, arrogant faces, as we drink it all in. 

How long will the 99% be fooled and played?

Exploited and even thrown under the bus by the narcissist and greedy 1%. 

Where is the democracy in that?  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 5, 2020

Truth or Lie?

Our election system is the envy of the world?

Our pollsters know what they are talking about?

Our news media is honest and unbiased?

Our political system is rational, mainstream, and values integrity? 

Our democracy is safe and not under serious threat from within?

Oh dear, Pinocchio has died of an overdose! ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


November 4, 2020

If The Other Side Wins The Election

Still no firm results on who will be the next President of the U.S. of A. 

I think this is how a lot of people feel...

    if the other side wins the election (look where he's picking from)!

A picture is worth a thousand words. 

One thing we know for sure is that the polls and the "Fake News" media got it all wrong again! ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 28, 2020

Overwhelming Public Fatigue

China Fatigue

Covid Fatigue

Election Fatigue

Exaggerations Fatigue

Extremism Fatigue

Fear Fatigue

Facebook Waste of Time Fatigue

Lies and Corruption Fatigue

Media Manipulation Fatigue

Power Politics Fatigue

Racism and Hate Fatigue

Riots and Looting Fatigue

Fatigue Fatigue ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


October 18, 2020

Two Terms In Office

Funny sign in store. 

Limit Politicians to 2 Terms:  

One in Office.  

One in Prison. 

Now this doesn't speak very well of our leadership.

What about the one's that have decades in office, and the time is used for their own selfish purposes and not for the people?

Where power and money is the purpose rather than advancing social well-being.

Where personal and party agendas are the playbill rather than doing what is right, plain and simple.

Where scoring points against your adversary or completely taking them down is the strategy rather than reaching out and working hand-in-hand to achieve our nation's greatness. 

We have fallen a long way from what I would imagine the founding fathers had in mind for this great democracy. 

Perhaps, the biggest problem is that we have stopped even trying. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


September 30, 2020

Presidential Debates Sink To New Low!

If you thought the Presidential Debates couldn't get any worse than 2016 with "Crooked Hillary."

Last Night with "Sleepy Joe" hit rock bottom!

From BOTH candidates, the lack of coherent answers, coupled with constant interruptions, yelling, put downs, and name-calling was so completely discouraging and disgusting. 

Came away feeling like we were at a Mixed Martial Arts tournament rather a Presidential Debate for the United States of America.

What has happened to our great nation?

We are becoming the laughing stock to the entire world. 

If we can't conduct ourselves with dignity, courtesy, respect, and integrity towards each other, how can we lead this country, let alone the world?

May G-d help us to find our footing again, to unite around the noble principles and values of freedom, diversity, equality, democracy, capitalism, and human rights for which this country was founded, and change the awful political sinkhole of divisiveness, strife, and sheer indecency that we are caught in.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


August 17, 2020

Pink Bear

Does a pink bear sh*t in the woods?

Like a politician speaks falsehoods!

My dad would rightfully say, "Be careful, don't step in the hoy[t]a!"

Compliments of some good old Native American humor. 

At one point, probably from Reader's Digest! :-)

(Credit Photo; Andy Blumenthal)

August 6, 2020

We Are Comm-unity!

I saw this painted on a storefront window. 
Community, United We Stand. 

With all the polarization these days, is this still true?

Unity is literally built into Comm-unity.

Divided, we tear each other apart. 

Instead, we could accomplish so much together.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

July 8, 2020

Controversy, Yet Agreement

In these great times of strife and controversy in this country...

One thing that we can probably all agree on:
Make Falafel Not War

Words to live by.

And to eat by.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

July 5, 2020

Targeting Israel: A Distraction From Real Threats

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called, "Targeting Israel: A Distraction From Real Threats."
While the world unfortunately focuses again on Israel (a state the size of New Jersey), they continue to unfortunately be asleep at the wheel when Russia invaded Crimea and annexed it from a sovereign country of Ukraine in 2014, and again now in 2020 as China is taking critical steps that restrict freedom and human rights in Hong Kong.

The question is why we are constantly being diverted to blame and attack Israel and to not look at the real threats to world peace? Yet again, it’s another modern-day blood libel! While the superpowers play Risk with the world order, we should not be fooled by others trying to tell Israel what to do. Nothing should stop Israel from annexing the 30% of the West Bank under the Middle East Peace Plan that is vital to their lasting peace and security. Today is July 4th and the U.S. and Israel stand united in their commitment to that future.

(Credit Graphic: Andy Blumenthal)

June 12, 2020

Defunding The Police Is STUPID!

So the progressive, alt-left have gone off the rails again with more nutty radical proposals. 

This time to defund or dismantle the police!

While I am completely against corruption, racism, and police brutality, it is a BIG and STUPID mistake to hyper-generalize from some bad actors to the overwhelming number of good people that serve in law enforcement, who put their lives on the line to protect us everyday. 

As with the health workers that protect us from Coronavirus and other horrible illnesses, so too with our police, we should be grateful for their protection and that they ensure some semblance of law and order and security in our society!

Yes the bad apples should be weeded out and punished, absolutely!

Also, after the latest incident with George Floyd, certainly reform is needed in terms of training and additional protections for the public. 

But going alt-left crazy with proposals to defund and disband the police is completely over-the-top, irresponsible and destructive. 

Hopefully, all the "normal" people out there will see the progressive folly for what it is and support the police in doing their critical mission, while also holding them accountable to do it with the integrity that they must.  ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

March 22, 2020

We Just Magically Found $2,000,000,000,000

It's amazing how we can magically find $2 trillion for a Coronavirus "Rescue Plan."

This after we already wasted over $6.4 trillion (and thousands of our dead and wounded) through 2017 in unexplainable and endless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with no known or lasting benefits to this country (while archenemy, Iran continues their pursuit of nukes unabated). 

And for decades, we haven't been able to find money for:

- Decent healthcare for all Americans.

- Ensuring our national security, including adequate planning and disaster preparedness for things like Coronavirus, cybersecurity, WMDs, EMPs, and for critical infrastructure protection. 

- Repairing our aging roads, bridges, and infrastructure

- Fixing our broken public education system.

- Helping our countless of homeless and needy lying the streets of our nation. 

- Restoring our space program to get a man on the moon again or put another shuttle into space. 

When politics are in play, there is plenty of money to go around. 

But when the nation needs proper care and feeding, there are no adults in the room. ;-)

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

March 13, 2020

Stop The Coronavirus, Please!

It's been a few exhausting weeks since the outbreak of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) has gone public. 

First case in China in November.

Now as a Pandemic in 126 countries!

Over 132,000 confirmed cases, so far .

And around 5,000 deaths 🕱.

The numbers are projected to climb/////.

With Dr. Faucci of NIH's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) warning that it will "get worse before it gets better."

Everything is closing down from our work facilities to Cruises, Broadway, and Disney.

Of course, we need the government (at all levels), health professionals, and pharmaceutical companies to get their acts together with an effective response strategy. 

Also, this is a wake up call for better preparedness for all sorts of natural and man made disasters that are awaiting. 

Today it's a virus (natural or biowarfare) and tomorrow it'll be a devastating cyber attack that we are woefully unprepared for. 

No more playing politics, half measures, and waiting for the next shoe to drop (Spanish Flu, Pearl Harbor, 9/11).

The rest of us need to do our "prepping" parts and to say a prayer or two and keep going. 

(Source Graphic: Andy Blumenthal)