Showing posts with label IDF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IDF. Show all posts

May 10, 2024

F-35I Locked and Loaded


(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


April 7, 2024


May G-d have mercy on his children.

Please give the hostages their freedom.

(Credit Video: Minna Blumenthal)


March 17, 2024

The Hostage's Cry

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The Hostage's Cry."

The days are, oh, so long.
The years of the past now seem so short.
I am waiting for salvation.
In my heart, I pray over and over:
“Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d,
King of the Universe,
Who sets free those in bonds.”
I know you are coming to rescue me.
I am waiting for you.

(AI generated image via Craiyon)

March 10, 2024

The Topsy Turvy World of Baby Killers and Nazis

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The Topsy Turvy World of Baby Killers and Nazis."

One of the toughest things to bear is when our enemies hypocritically use psychological projection and try to turn the tables, calling us "Baby Killers," "Rapists," and "Nazis," when this is exactly the criminal behavior that the Hamas terrorists perpetrated at the October 7 massacre in Southern Israel.

For Israel, it's as if being barbarically attacked and victimized with the rape and mutilation of women, beheadings and burnings of babies, and murders and abductions of young and old aren't enough. But then to suffer the grotesque turning of reality on its head by having the perpetrators of these crimes call you out as the aggressor is beyond imagination.

As we approach the Jewish holiday of Purim, we have to maintain our ultimate faith in the Almighty that those corrupt evildoers who seek our destruction "by any means necessary" will ultimately themselves face justice like the evil Haman (perhaps the forefather of Hamas).

(AI generated Image from Designer)

February 18, 2024

Israel, You're on the Right Track

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israel, You're on the Right Track."

The war of October 7 is truly one of light against darkness in the world. And not only against the evil terrorists but also their hateful, genocidal supporters around the globe who seek "intifada revolution," and our annihilation "by any means necessary." To defeat them, we need the ultimate faith in the Almighty and the determination to fight and win from Gaza to Iran.

Our strength is the combination of our dedication to serving Hashem and our mighty determination for our national and religious freedom in a world all too often of darkness, hate, and despair where rape is portrayed as resistance, where mutilation, murder, and hostage-taking are justified by those who reject peace and coexistence, and where their vile supporters chant their racism and hatred from city centers to cancer hospitals.

(AI generated image by Bing Copilot)

January 27, 2024

How to Get The Hostages Out Alive

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "How to Get the Hostages Out Alive."

In my opinion, the only tactical way to rescue the hostages is to locate and map the tunnel they are hiding in and then gas them all to sleep. The gas would need to be carefully regulated so as not to alert the terrorists that it is being used and not to harm the hostages. The gas needs to be odorless and colorless (like nitrous oxide) to camouflage its use, and the Israeli commandos will need to be hairpin-ready to blow the blast doors and get in to rescue the hostages.

This alternative is far better than releasing 100 Palestinian prisoners (many “with blood on their hands”) for every 1 Israeli hostage like Hamas is demanding (or 10,000+ Palestinian prisoners), thereby creating the terror environment for yet another, and perhaps many, October 7-like attacks in the future that would put many more Israelis at risk. Unfortunately, this is what happened when Israel released Sinwar as part of the 1,000 for 1 deal in 2011 for Gilad Shalit, and look where it got us.

(AI generated image vis Craiyon)


January 26, 2024

Demand for Retribution


January 14, 2024

Amazingly Beautiful Prayer for the IDF

Thank You to the IDF and to Hashem our Ultimate Protector!

Am Yisrael Chai!!!

(Credit: Prayer for the IDF- Netanel Hershtik & The Maccabeats featuring Lt. Gen Benny Gantz)


December 31, 2023

Preventing a Future October 7

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Preventing a Future October 7."

First and foremost, we need more and better capability to think outside the box and see things not only as they appear, but what's behind the curtain as well. War gaming, planning, modeling and simulation, and using artificial intelligence are just some of the tools at our disposal for breaking the paradigm and thinking about what's possible and even what's probable. Most importantly, we need a diversity of thinking to end the groupthink and mind-numbing stasis of seeing things only as we think they are and not as they really are or could be. Whether we employ think tanks and advisory boards; military and intelligence assets; strategic planners, futurists, and statisticians; technologists, scientists, and engineers; psychologists, sociologists, and anthropologists to get into the heads of our adversaries or the realm of the unthinkable, we must break down the barriers to novel thinking and creative solutions. Along with faith in the Almighty and a strong, technologically advanced, and well-trained IDF, this deep planning must become the bedrock of our security preparedness.
(AI Generated Image via Craiyon)


December 8, 2023

Prayer for the IDF

(Photo via Facebook)


November 26, 2023

The Incredible Chutzpah of Hamas

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "The Incredible Chutzpah of Hamas."

Surely, the Jihadist massacre in Israel by hordes of Hamas terrorists on October 7, where they perpetrated such ungodly savage acts on 1,200 Jews that should never be done to any human being, would have shown the world the true face of evil.

But no, still, the rabid antisemites of the world gleefully tear down the posters of the women and children hostages, cursing the Jews, saying Hitler was right in wanting to exterminate us, and wishing out loud that Hamas would do what they did to us on 10/7 yet again and again.

In the face of all this, O’ Lord, we thank You for setting free the first 41 hostages in the last two days, and we eagerly await the rest to come home soon by Your miraculous hand. Please give success to the Israel Defense Forces and their U.S. allies to utterly defeat the terrorists and their Iranian sponsors, and grant us the fortitude and strength to overcome all the forces of darkness in this world and reach the ultimate redemption speedily in our times.

(Source Photo: GDJ via:


November 18, 2023

Confronting Deep-Rooted Anti-Semitism of Present

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Confronting Deep-Rooted Anti-Semitism of Present."

As a very small minority in the world, Jews have forever been made the scapegoat and persecuted, whether in the Crusades, Inquisition, expulsions, pogroms, the Holocaust, terrorism, or war. As far back as Amalek, the Philistines, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Persians, the Greeks, the Romans, and more, Jews have never been granted long-lasting moments of peace. Perhaps that is one of the reasons we yearned for millennia to return to our homeland of Israel and why we so look forward to the coming of Mashiach so that we can once and for all achieve not only the universal acknowledgment of and worship of the One true G-d, but also a sincere and enduring peace for our people and the world.

The fight for Jewish survival is far from over. Yes, with Israel and the brave young men and women of the IDF, we are stronger now than we ever have been. However, the hate and violence we face are unbridled and unabashed, and given the chance, we have seen what our enemies will do to us. In response, we need to raise our heads high and fight the good fight regardless of what anyone else has to say. G-d will be our judge even as the anti-Semites condemn us either way.

(AI Generated Photo via

November 4, 2023

Smoke Them Out

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Smoke Them Out."

The Gaza tunnels are one of the greatest obstacles to the IDF in destroying Hamas and rescuing the hostages. Given that Hamas will never voluntarily release "the ace" they are holding with the hostages, Israel has the unenviable task of not only "smoking out" and dealing with the terrorists but also simultaneously rescuing the hostages. This seems like a near "mission impossible," but with the right "smoke" and the ingenuity and bravery of the IDF, along with G-d's guiding hand, there is still hope.

(Credit Photo: Zachary DeBottis via

November 3, 2023

Bring Home the Hostages from Evil Hamas/ISIS

(Photo via Facebook)


October 29, 2023

Israel's Precise Strategy Against Hamas

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israel's Precise Strategy Against Hamas."

As always, Israel is facing long odds, attacked not only by Hamas in the south, Hezbollah in the north, and terrorists in the West Bank but also potentially by the combined arms of hostile Arab nations such as Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and, of course, the arch-terrorist Iran, which is seeking nuclear weapons and threatening to destroy Israel. Despite all of this, and while we are still only at the beginning of this latest battle with evil, it is clear that once Israel overcame the initial shock and horror of the Hamas attack, the response from Israel has been nothing short of brilliantly planned and flawlessly executed.

Without a doubt, this will be a long and difficult war, and it is far from won. There are so many families grieving for those who have been lost, and hopefully, there will be no more. Moreover, the hostages are suffering and must be brought quickly home. No matter how precise our planning and how good our execution are, ultimately, we must pray to Hashem to help us overcome our enemies and suffering, grant us a complete victory, and speedily bring us peace.
(Credit Photo: Anastasia Petrova via


October 8, 2023

Hamas Started It, but Israel Must Finish It

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Hamas Started It, but Israel Must Finish It."

We can no longer go back to business as usual! The usual must be upended, and Gaza must be militarily conquered, period. All the Israeli hostages need to be found and brought home, even if it means excruciating house-to-house searches and street-by-street battles; it is better to fight it out once and for all in Gaza than endlessly in the cities of Israel. Finally, Gaza's military and terrorist apparatus must be completely eradicated. The strip must be divided, secured, and demilitarized permanently.

This attack by Hamas is just a small prelude to what is to come with Iran and its terrorist proxies. If we don't want to see mushroom clouds rising over the Middle East and Europe, Israel and the United States must once and for all deal definitively with Iran's nuclear and terrorist capability—no more ifs, ands, or buts.

None of us wants to see any more bloodshed pouring forth on Israeli streets and fields, children abducted, women brutally raped, men held captive and tortured, and the Holy Land scorched by missiles and flames. There should never any more be the illusion of "land for peace" or of a two-state solution when what they want is to drive the Jews into the sea! Astute political engagement has its place in dealmaking and genuine peace-making, but now is the time for skilled military strategy, engagement, and the resounding defeat of our enemies.

(Source Photo: Hananya Naftali via Telegram:


August 13, 2023

Not By Strength Alone

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Not By Strength Alone."

For Israelis and Jews around the world, success includes being powerful enough to defend ourselves from no longer being every demagogue and dictator's scapegoat, but much more than that, it means that we become a true "light unto nations." We want to be a democracy anchored in freedom and human rights. We also want to be a "Jewish State" (it's the only one in the world!) that is a haven for every Jew to come home to and that is culturally and religiously Jewish (but not a Jewish dictatorship). Israel will not survive by strength alone but rather by the spirit of Hashem (Zechariah 4:6). And so our values are to follow in G-d's path and do good in the world, fix what's broken, and make it a better place, and that includes, as the prophet Isaiah said, "beating their swords into plowshares." Moreover, we understand that G-d is not only the creator but also the perpetual master of the universe, and it is He who decides whether Israel behaves righteously and ultimately whether she will merit to stand for the duration this time and, hopefully, the final time.

(Photo: Alexi Rosenfeld, IDF/Creative Commons via

July 23, 2023

They Died So We May Speak

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "They Died So We May Speak."

Israelis are a people who are not afraid to speak their minds, and they are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in. Regardless of the outcome of the current controversies, I am proud to be a part of the Jewish people, and I am confident that the citizens of the Holy Land will continue to be a beacon of hope for the world.

(Photo adapted from Israel Defense Forces via

May 14, 2023

Israel's 3 Stages of Attack


Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "Israel's 3 Stages of Attack."

Iran has long sought nuclear weapons to destroy Israel. Of course, if the Ayatollah doesn’t change course towards peace, it only makes sense as a strategy for Israel to not only preemptively attack but also incrementally dismantle Iran and its terrorist weapons buildup in three distinct stages.

As we are maneuvering closer to the finish line with Iran, we must maintain our ultimate faith in the “Rock of Israel,” as well as continue to be dedicated to defending our people, land, and religion.

(Credit Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

February 19, 2023

My Vote of Confidence in Bibi

Please see my new article in The Times of Israel called "My Vote of Confidence in Bibi."

Prime Minister Netanyahu stands out not only for having been the longest serving Prime Minister of Israel (winning six times) and leading for over fifteen years, but for his undying vision and execution of peace through strength. Certainly, I could write of his heroism as an Israeli commando (and that of his dear older brother Yoni, who tragically perished in the Rescue at Entebbe), his miraculous rescue of Israel's finances and remake of the country into a genuine economic success story, and his unflinching determination to prevent a Palestinian terror state next to Israel and to thwart the existential Iranian nuclear threat.

However, I think there is no better expression of Bibi's core love for his people and Israel than that of his own words in his countless genius arguments and eloquent speeches at the United Nations, Congress, and with world leaders in defense of Israel's legitimacy and right to exist and defend itself.

(Photo Adapted from,_February_2023.jpg)