Showing posts with label Hot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hot. Show all posts

June 10, 2019

We Can't Look Away

(Source Video: Dossy Blumenthal)

June 5, 2019

Swimming In Florida

In lovely Florida.

Hit the swimming pool.

About to do my laps.

I got my gear and ready to rock and roll.

Please G-d, we'll spend the Jewish holiday of Shavuot (commemorating when we got the Torah) together here as a family.

What more can I ask.

Happy and grateful. ;-)

(Source Photo: Dossy Blumenthal)

April 18, 2019

This Is What You Smell

Great sign at the nut stand at Sugarloaf Festival.
"This Is What You Smell!"

Hot cinnamon pecans or almonds. 

Wow, did that smell nice.

I got a tiny bag of the pecans, and when I opened it, the smell and taste that hot cinnamon really took over. 

Were there other smells present as well?

Probably, but I chose to focus on the cinnamon nuts. 

The other smells will have to wait for their special sign and appropriate attention to deal with it. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

June 17, 2016

Everyone Drinks

So this is a water fountain on steroids. 

Not 1, not 2, but 3 drinking spouts. 

Adults, children, and even pets can all get theirs.

And at the same one goes thirsty!

So simple, yet why make people wait and take turns.

Drink everyone, drink to efficiency. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

May 16, 2016

Pizza And Brew With Wonderful Friends

Yesterday, we had a beautiful little get together at our place. 

In the party room with pizza and brew and lots of nosh--almost reminded me of the "Chometz Party" we had a number of years ago in our old neighborhood (great way to clean out your kitchen pantry before Passover),

Many of our wonderful friends from Magen David Sephardic Synagogue came to visit with us and celebrate one year plus in our new home in Maryland. 

Truly some of the nicest and accepting people I've had a chance to come to know in quite some time. 

I want to thank our friends for coming and especially thank my dear wife, Dossy, who did all the heavy lifting to make the event so beautiful for everyone. 

One lesson was how to keep the pizza piping hot over many hours with people coming and going at different times--can anyone say melted cheese? 

Another was how to schedule anything this time of year with Mother's Day, Father's Day, Passover, Shavuot and Memorial Day holidays, Men's Club/Sisterhood/and other community events, baby showers, weddings, vacations, and more--gee, there almost wasn't a free Sunday on the calendar. 

Overall though, we had such a nice time with everyone, and Dossy is already asking about planning the next event and she says she is cooking, so watch out world! ;-)

(Source Photo: Dannielle Blumenthal)


December 23, 2015

Wicked Good Waffles

Just wanted to share this yummy waffle from the Wicked Waffle in Bethesda, Maryland. 

This waffle was steaming hot and had sugared flour and chocolate drizzle and had less than 200 calories!

The Wicked Waffle has all sorts of waffle sandwiches...made fresh right there in front of you. 

Grilled cheese, egg and cheese, tuna melt, tomato with mozzarella and arugula, waffle french toast, also meat waffle sandwiches (but those not kosher). 

The only food that can take on waffles is pancakes, but these wicked waffles will give any pancake a very big run for the money. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)


September 8, 2015

Smelt It Dealt It

As kids, there always used to be someone who would run around holding their nose, and yelling at the smallest sign of someone's flatulence...Eew!

In turn, the other kids would all chime in: "The person who smelt it, dealt it!"

Might as well push the responsibility where it rightfully belongs--uh, maybe. 

This is what kids do--they are not politically correct in the slightest!

Are adults any better really?

I've seen grown men and women start holding their noses and waving their hands in front of their faces when someone is stinking up the local air.

In particular, this happens quite a bit on places like the crowded Metro and elevators...going down. 

People are unforgiving when the air is foul. 

Personally, I am very sensitive to bad smells and hot air--my A/C is running full blast all around the year...even in Winter, seriously!

When I saw this sign in a storefront window that said, "Free Smells," I thought to myself, gee we got enough smells to last a lifetime, and that's why fresh air and nature is so appealing to the good 'ol olfactory senses. 

Free smells...unless it's fresh flowers or some savory dish to eat--you can have it--free or not, I frankly don't give a damn.  

My personal belief is that an odor is far more likely to cause you a gag sensation than put a refreshing smile on your ugly face. 

Good etiquette, keep your smells to yourself. ;-)

(Source Photo: Andy Blumenthal)

August 2, 2015

Golden Retriever Swims Like A Fish

Out on the kayak today with Rebecca in Maryland. 

This beautiful golden retriever named Rudder was playing on the bank and in the water. 

He was swimming and chasing a toy that the friendly owners were throwing way out into the pond. 

On this hot sunny day, this dog was having a blast, and the people seemed to enjoy talking with us about him. 

Overall this was a welcome break from the Dog Days of Summer. ;-)

(Source Video: Rebecca Blumenthal)

May 2, 2014

Die Bed Bugs, Die

So our daughter went off to college and brought us home a present--bed bugs!

This was the worst--at first we didn't understand why we were getting itchy bites.

Eventually, with some research and inspection, we figured it out

We tried to treat it ourselves--powders, sprays, encasements, and more--all to no avail. 

We also threw out all the bedding and even the beds.

We were losing sleep and patience--big time. 

We finally hired a serious exterminator who brought in these huge heaters and blasted our place for about 6 hours at something like 140 degrees. 

That should kill those and any other buggers bothering us.

When I got home--it was an oven and I couldn't even change my clothes because the workers were still here at it. 

I spent 5 hours cleaning up afterwards in the boiling house and even with all the windows open, it was like an oven and impossible to sleep last night--tossing and turning.

It was hell, but hopefully it's over--may I never see another vermin like this again. ;-)

(Source Photo: here, although Lynnwood is not the company we used, you get the idea)